A Great Week For America

This week will go down in American History as the week in which the Supreme Court stood up for the Traditional American Faith and Values our Founding Fathers held so dear.

In 3 landmark decisions, the majority ruled that Americans cannot be forced to do something which is against their faith, that Americans should be awarded College Scholarships on the basis of merit and not the color of their skin, and that the President of the United States of America cannot bypass our System of Checks and Balances in order to pay off College Loans with $430 billion of American Taxpayers’ money in order to buy votes.

Our Founding Fathers are up in Heaven smiling about what has happened this week.

So are the majority of average Americans.

The Far Left Democrats, along with their puppet Joe Biden, are positively apoplectic.

Without being able to tell us that our Christian Faith is secondary to what the Democrat-led government and special interest groups decree as being “normal,” and therefore, its acceptance is mandatory, they are unable to force us to recognize their authority instead of God’s.

In order for the Democrat Elite to succeed in “radically changing” America from a Constitutional Republic to a mob-ruled Marxist fascist totalitarian falsely-labeled “Democracy,” they need useful idiots willing to give away their individual freedom and to accept immorality and sexual perversion as normal behavior.

Without being able to buy votes through Affirmative Action and paying off College Loans, the Democrats know that they will lose voters.

After all, what do they have to offer besides an installed dementia-riddled President and a failed political ideology that has only led to despair and poverty in any country that has foolishly installed it as their form of government?

Thank God for our Founding Fathers who established us as a Constitutional Republic with 3 co-equal branches of government!

Otherwise, the Far Left Democratic Party, led by the Democrat Elite, would destroy our country as we know it.

Until He Comes,


Is America Fighting For Its Life Against “Princes and Principalities”? You Better Believe It

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Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! – Isaiah 5:20

Consider, if you will, a country in which the Justices of its Supreme Court are being slandered, threatened, and verbally abused by enraged membersof a political party which has embraced the failed political ideology of Marxism because they ruled that killing human beings in their mothers’ wombs was not a “right” contained in that country’s Constitution and the decision to make that barbaric practice legal should be left up to the states and the voters therein.

It was this same political party whose state governors and legislative bodies had passed laws allowing abortion up until birth.

“You are traveling through a previously unknown country, a country whose population has politically been torn asunder, a country whose Democratic Leadership have forsworn its traditional faith and values to embrace those of its enemies. A country whose great promise is once again being realized, despite the best efforts of its enemies within. There’s a signpost up ahead. Next stop, the 2022 Midterm Elections.

This country has been pulling apart at the seams since the night of November 8, 2016, which Donald J. Trump was elected as our 45th President.

And the thing is, it was not his fault.

The direction which the Modern Democratic Party has taken to the Far Left of the Political Spectrum has put them at odds with the majority of Americans who still hold dear the Traditional Faith and Values System upon which our Sovereign Nation was founded.

In an article written for Decision Magazine, dated February 12, 2012, before it became a “Woke” publication, America’s Pastor, Rev. Billy Graham, wrote on the subject of “Confusing Evil With Good”. Here are some excerpts…

Humanity has always been dexterous at confusing evil with good. That was Adam and Eve’s problem, and it is our problem today. If evil were not made to appear good, there would be no such thing as temptation. It is in their close similarity that the danger lies.

Modern social righteousness often differs from the righteousness of the Bible. Someone has said: “A wrong deed is right if the majority of people declare it not to be wrong.” By this principle we can see our standards shifting from year to year according to the popular vote! Divorce was once frowned upon by society, and laws against fornication and adultery were strictly enforced. But now divorce is accepted by society, and fornication is glorified in our literature and films.

The Bible says: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.” God has not changed. His standards have not been lowered. God still calls immorality a sin, and the Bible says God is going to judge it.

Honesty was once the hallmark of character. But it has been set aside with an “It’s all right if you don’t get caught” philosophy. Only when we are in court are we required to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

…How do we get our values so mixed up? How do we fall into this trap of Satan? For one thing, we’re shortsighted. We look for shortcuts to happiness. Our lust for immediate pleasure prompts us to think of evil as good.

In one of novelist John Steinbeck’s books he has a character saying: “If it succeeds, they will be thought not crooked but clever.” In our desire to achieve success quickly, it is easy to get our values mixed up and call evil good and good evil.

Another way to call evil good is to say that morals are relative. Someone has said: “As the occasion, so the behavior.” We have changed our moral code to fit our behavior instead of changing our behavior to harmonize with our moral code. Nothing is firm today. We are not on solid ground. Young people are shifting from one side to the other. Morally, they are drifting aimlessly without compass or guide.

Still another way that evil is called good is for the conscience to be perverted, and certainly our consciences today are perverted. But right is right even if nobody is right, and wrong is wrong even if everybody is wrong. God does not change the moral law to suit our behavior.

…The modern conscience has been twisted and distorted so badly that it is difficult to tell what is genuine and what is false.

Self-centeredness is another reason we are so inclined to call evil good. When something brings profit or pleasure to us we are inclined to call evil good, even though we know it is dead wrong. “But it’s what I’ve always wanted,” or, “It’s good for me, although I know it’s wrong” are the alibis we have manufactured to justify evil and call it good.

It is very apparent that there is something that is literally tearing apart the fabric of our country.

The only conclusion that I, as a Christian American can reach, is the fact that our Sovereign Nation is in the midst of SPIRITUAL WARFARE for its very soul.

Make no mistake about it, boys and girls, EVIL EXISTS.

My friends, I believe that we are fighting a war against “princes and principalities”. Evil is still alive and well and flourishing in a world in which relative morality and situational ethics are increasingly being accepted as normal behavior.

We see it every day around us.

It inundates the cable news channels, 24 hours a day. Heck, you can even see it on Facebook.

Since Cain slew Able with a rock, mankind, because we are all fallen creatures, has had to deal with the presence of evil in our lives.

From the legendary massacres, perpetrated by Vlad the Impaler, to the horrific scenes of Hitler’s Concentration Camps, to the killing fields of Pol Pot, to the massacre of innocent Middle Eastern Christians by Islamic State, to the murders by Chicago Street Gangs every night, the Forces of Evil continue to flourish across the globe.

Who we as a nation are struggling with are those forces who want to turn our country into not just an immoral society, it is an amoral one, whose concept of right and wrong is “Whatever Gets You Through the Night (It’s Alright. It’s Alright.)”, and whose ultimate authority is not the God of Abraham, but a Godless All-Powerful Central Government, whose credo is

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. (Karl Marx)

Just as Marxism has failed wherever it has been tried before, if the Far Left Democrats have their way, so it would lead to America’s downfall.

The galling thing is the fact that, even though American Christians remain 75% of the population, we are propagandized and suppressed by the Liberals in both the Old and New Media, to make it seem as if WE are the Minority, when, in fact, WE are the overwhelming Majority.

It is this New Generation of Amoral Marxists, who have taken over the Democratic Party, who are in fact, just a tiny, albeit vocal, Minority of America’s population.

So, what can an average Christian American, like you and me, do about this “Tyranny of the Minority”?

Christians have to make a choice in these tough times whether to allow those who are attempting to “radically change” our Sovereign Nation, given to us by God into a Democratic Socialist Paradise or…

As the Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians, we can STAND.

However, you cannot stand without “the full armor of God”. I have found, as have my family and friends, that the better that you are doing, in terms of your Christian Walk, the harder that you will be attacked.

10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.…- Ephesians 6:10-12

Our Christianity as Americans does not and cannot end at Noon on Sunday, as we shake the Preacher’s hand and walk out of the sanctuary (those of us who still get to g and are not “quarantined” at home).

“Onward, Christian Soldiers, marching as to war.”

Because believe me, Americans…we are in one.

Pray for our children, born and unborn.

Pray for America’s working families, trying to decide between buying car for their vehicles and buying food to eat.

Pray for our country.

And, vote this November.

Until He Comes,


White House Silent About Pro-Abortion Groups Planning Protests Outside SC Justices’ Homes

“The White House on Thursday declined to encourage abortion activists to avoid protesting at the private residences of Supreme Court justices as outrage over a leaked draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade grows.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said President Biden understands and shares the outrage over the news that the Supreme Court may vote to undo Roe, which essentially legalized abortion nationwide.

“The president, for all those women, men, others who feel outraged, who feel scared, who feel concerned, he hears them, he shares that concern and that horror that he saw in that draft opinion,” Psaki said. 

Biden’s message directly to anyone feeling outraged “is participating in peaceful protest,” Psaki said. “Ensure it’s peaceful. Have your voice heard peacefully. We should not be resorting to violence in any way, shape or form.” (Courtesy FoxNews.com)”

A national leader condoning the intimidation of governmental figures? The world has seen this before.

To the Wayback Machine, Sherman!

The year is 1903, The Russian Social Democratic Party is meeting in London. All the intellectuals in their party have been arguing since the end of the 1800’s as to the direction the party should take. One year earlier, in 1902, a man named Lenin, living in exile, wrote a paper entitled, “What Is To Be Done”.

The work was smuggled into Russia and spelled out his views regarding what the Social Democrats should be doing as a party. Lenin attacked party members who “were content to wait while history took its predetermined course.” Rather than wait, Lenin wanted to kick-start the issue he believed in to get things done rather than wait on intellectuals sitting around refuting each other’s ideas. The meeting resulted in a Party split creating the Mentsheviks and the Bolsheviks. The two factions reunited under Lenin in April 1905. Lenin went on to organize the November 1917 Russian Revolution on the Promise of “peace. bread, and land”.

Isn’t that like “sharing the wealth”?

Just as Vladimir Lenin used his Bolsheviks to intimidate the Russians into supporting his Marxist Revolution, so those behind the Puppet President, his Administration, and the move of the Democratic Party to the Far Left of the Political Spectrum are using “Useful Idiots” like these Pro-Abortion Activists to intimidate the Supreme Court Justices, just like they have been using New Bolsheviks like BLM and Antifa to attempt to intimidate Americans into accepting a Marxist Democratic Socialist Government, one in which mob rule will replace our Constitutional Republic.

Just as the “New Politboro” want to control our lives from cradle to grave, so do they also want to control our Justice System, as seen by the protestors which have showed up at the Kavanaugh Hearings and outside the Courthouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

To say that our Sovereign Nation is at a tipping point, staring down into an abyss is not an exaggeration.

As Americans, we owe it to those who have given their lives to preserve our freedom to do everything we can to continue to resist the tyranny which is coming out of the White House and Capitol Hill.

The future of our children and grandchildren depends on it.

Until He Comes,


As SC Nominee KBJ Flounders During Hearings, Dems Attempt Deflection With Justice Thomas “Scandal”

As has been the pattern of the Biden Administration with every other position which they have filled, they have nominated a Far Left Democrat to become the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States of America.

The nominee is a judge who just happens to be a Black Woman.

I capitalized the above description not because of my own emphasis upon it, but because of the emphasis placed upon the ethnicity and gender of the nominee by the Liberal Democrats…instead of her credentials.

They are presently accusing Conservative Republicans of not wanting a black woman on the Supreme Court due to “Raaacism”, while at the same time coming out with some made-up scandal involving Justice Clarence Thomas, a Conservative Black Man

Their hatred toward Justice Thomas is nothing new. Please reference his Nomination Hearings in which then-Senator Joe Biden accused him of placing a pubic hair on a black woman’s can of soda pop while calling Thomas everything but a Child of God.

That strategy and the witness, an “aggrieved” woman who formerly worked with Thomas whom the Democrats brought forth, did not hold up under questioning.

Fortunately, the present strategy I mentioned earlier, which the Liberal Democrats are imploring, championed by the likes of overpaid and never right Liberal Columnist Jennifer Ruben of the Washington Post, will not hold up, either.

The reason that it won’t hold up is because the Democrats’ Nominee, Judge Ketanjii Brown Jackson, has a history of recommending lenient sentences for pedophiles.

She’s not embarrassed by this. In fact, she has defended it this past week during the Senate Hearings proclaiming that some pedophiles deserve light sentences.

Are you kidding me?

Our country’s Legal System is built on laws having been written by our Founding Fathers following traditional Judeo-Christian Beliefs involving ethical and moral behavior.

Today’s Far Left Democrats are determined to make Americans subjugated to their failed political ideology which eschews normal ethical and moral behavior while embracing perversion.

The soulless and weak-minded are easier to control.

Until He Comes,


Protester Outside Supreme Court Yesterday Claims that Abortion “Saves Lives”…Are You Kidding Me?…Molech Would Be So Proud

Supreme Court Abortion Protests

FoxNews.com reports that

Pro-life and pro-choice protesters who gathered outside the Supreme Court on Wednesday morning told Fox News why they came to protest, with one saying abortions save lives, while others said they kill humans.

“I’m here today because I think that abortion hurts both the unborn and it hurts women,” an anti-abortion activist told Fox News.

In contrast, a pro-choice supporter said: “I’m here today because I believe that a woman’s right to choose her future, her destiny, her reproductive health care, is a fundamental right.”

The anti-abortion activist said: “I think that science has come a long way and proved that the babies in the womb are alive and well.”

Hundreds of protesters on both sides of the abortion debate gathered outside the court as oral arguments began in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a case that could overturn Roe v. Wade.

“It’s critical that it is not overturned because it saves lives,” one woman wearing a “Clinic Escort” face mask told Fox News.

A woman holding a “Supreme Court: Overturn Roe v. Wade” sign disagreed, saying “abortion intentionally kills human beings, and it’s one of the greatest Holocausts of our time.”

The woman in the “Clinic Escort” mask said abortion is the “basic floor level of human autonomy, bodily autonomy.” She said she believes abortion has been in jeopardy since it was codified and worries about what overturning Roe would mean “for the rest of us who are Black, Brown, queer, indigenous – what other rights are going to be stripped away?”

Another woman disagreed: “I want to protect LGBT children in the womb. If they ever found a gene that makes them predisposed to LGBT, I don’t want them to be targeted like people with disabilities have been.”

A man holding a “Hands Off Roe” banner said he was there to express his concern that Roe v. Wade could be overturned.

“The state has no business getting involved in a woman’s intimate decision as to whether to carry a pregnancy to term,” he said.

Then the state should not fund abortions, should it?

The Protests going on outside the Supreme Court doe not simply represent a struggle against just Christianity vs. Secularism.

Americans are caught up in a struggle of Good vs. Evil.

In 2003, Illinois State Senator Barack Hussein Obama (mm mmm mmmm), spoke in front of his colleagues in defense of the infanticide known as Late-Term Abortion…

I just want to be clear because I think this was the source of the objections of the Medical Society. As I understand it, this puts the burden on the attending physician who has determined, since they were performing this procedure, that, in fact, this is a nonviable fetus; that if that fetus, or child – however way you want to describe it – is now outside the mother’s womb and the doctor continues to think that its nonviable but there’s, lets say, movement or some indication that, in fact, they’re not just out limp and dead, they would then have to call a second physician to monitor and check off and make sure that this is not a live child that could be saved. Is that correct?

While The Lightbringer was in the Illinois State Senate, he opposed a state version of the federal Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, a bill which would make sure that babies who survive abortions are given proper medical care.

This measure also protected babies who were “aborted” through a purposeful premature birth and left to die afterwards.

During Obama’s U.S. Senatorial Campaign in 2004, his opponent attacked him for supporting infanticide by voting against the above-mentioned bill. Obama responded by claiming that he had opposed the state bill because it lacked the neutrality clause found in the federal version.

The Chicago Tribune reported on October 4, 2004,

Obama said that had he been in the U.S. Senate two years ago, he would have voted for the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, even though he voted against a state version of the proposal.

During Obama’s 2008 run for President, he stood by those claims.

In March, 2008, during a Townhall Meeting in Western Pennsylvania, Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Hussein Obama (mm mmm mmmm) said,

Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information.

Of course, Barack Hussein Obama was elected President of the United States. When he was “radically changing” everything about our sacred land, blood was being spilled across the fruited plains. Especially, in that same state of Pennsylvania:

On February 18, 2010, the FBI raided the “Women’s Medical Society,” run by Dr. Kermit Gosnell, a butcher, euphemistically killing babies under the title of “Abortion Doctor”.

The FBI entered the office about 8:30 p.m. expecting to find to find evidence that it was illegally selling prescription drugs. What they found was America’s Auschwitz:

There was blood on the floor. A stench of urine filled the air. A flea-infested cat was wandering through the facility, and there were cat feces on the stairs. Semi-conscious women scheduled for abortions were moaning in the waiting room or the recovery room, where they sat on dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets. All the women had been sedated by unlicensed staff. They also found out that a patient had died there several months earlier.

Until 2009, Gosnell reportedly performed mostly first and second trimester abortions. But his clinic had come to develop a bad reputation, and could attract only women who couldn’t get an abortion elsewhere, former employees have said. “Steven Massof estimated that in 40 percent of the second-trimester abortions performed by Gosnell, the fetuses were beyond 24 weeks gestational age,” the grand jury states. “Latosha Lewis testified that Gosnell performed procedures over 24 weeks ‘too much to count,’ and ones up to 26 weeks ‘very often.’ …in the last few years, she testified, Gosnell increasingly saw out-of-state referrals, which were all second-trimester, or beyond. By these estimates, Gosnell performed at least four or five illegal abortions every week.”

On January 22, 2013, Obama said,

On the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we reaffirm its historic commitment to protect the health and reproductive freedom of women across this country and stand by its guiding principle: that government should not intrude on our most private family matters, and women should be able to make their own choices about their bodies and their health care.

The Liberal mind is fascinating.  Sick and twisted…but, fascinating. On the one hand, Obama was saying that children are to be cherished and protected. I agree.

At, the same time, he stood by a woman’s right to kill her baby. I can hear the Liberals screeching right now.

That’s not a baby. It’s a fetus! It’s not the same thing! You chauvinist pig!

(Fetus is Latin for BABY)

If cherishing God’s gift of life makes me a “chauvinist pig”, you’re darned skippy I am! Yay, pigs! Sooey! That’s not a puppy growing in there, y’all.

The blatant hypocrisy that was shown by Obama, his loyal minions in Congress, and the MSM, the Liberal pundits on TV and Radio, and ignorant “seminar” callers and posters on Conservative websites, in defense of  “their rights “not to be punished with a baby” and their resounding silence regarding the American Auschwitz known as the Gosnell Case, was reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s…and positively chilling.

Remember a while back, when MSNBC Host, and resident Communist, Melissa Harris-Perry proclaimed,

…we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities. Once it’s everybody’s responsibility, and not just the household’s, then we start making better investments. (?)

Evidently, for Modern American Liberals, that only applies when the child is no longer a “punishment”.

In the case of “Abortion On Demand”, I believe that average Americans have recognized the obvious.

As President Ronald Reagan observed, all those decades ago,

I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.

Until He Comes,




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Biden’s DOJ to Argue Against Texas “Heartbeat Law” in Front of Supreme Court Today


“I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” – President Ronald Reagan

FoxNews.com reports that

A hearing in the Justice Department’s lawsuit against the state of Texas over its ”heartbeat bill” is scheduled for Friday.

The Biden administration, after the law went into effect earlier this month, announced that it would sue the state over the law known as Senate Bill 8, which allows private citizens to sue abortion providers and anyone who assists in the procedure.

The law, as reported by The New York Times, makes it “difficult to challenge in the courts” since the lawsuit does not name state officials as defendants. Rather, the defendants in this lawsuit are private citizens who “have no connection to the patient or the clinic.”

The Texas Tribune reports that both state and federal lawyers will give their arguments at Friday’s hearing, which is being overseen by Judge Robert L. Pitman of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas.

The DOJ argues that Texas has flouted “settled constitutional law” that “a State may not prohibit any woman from making the ultimate decision to terminate her pregnancy before viability.”

The federal government also states that S.B. 8 “conflicts with federal law by purporting to prohibit federal agencies from carrying out their responsibilities under federal law related to abortion services,” and that since S.B. 8 does not make exceptions for rape or incest, “its terms purport to prohibit the federal government and its employees and agents from performing, funding, reimbursing, or facilitating abortions in such cases.”

Texas’ argument states that “if the Department of Justice wants to expand its authority, it should direct its requests to Congress, not this Court.”

As they consider similar abortion restrictions, other states are watching the court’s ruling in the Texas case. In addition, Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that gave women the right to legally access abortion throughout the United States, might again be back before the high court for a ruling on whether the decision is constitutional.

If you are surprised that Biden’s Democratically-controlled Department of Justice is attempting to overturn Texas’ “Heartbeat Law” in favor of continuing the practice of killing the unborn, then you have not been paying attention to “The Party of Death”.

Prior to 1973, abortions were allowed in some states but restricted or almost banned in others. Every state legislature made their own decision on whether to allow abortions and under what circumstances.  There was no Federal Law in regards to abortion.  Then, in 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court gave us Roe v. Wade. It declared a Texas anti-abortion statute unconstitutional and, in doing so, affected abortion laws in many other states.

For any low  information voters who might be reading, I present the following summary:

Jane Roe was an unmarried and pregnant Texas resident in 1970. Texas law made it a felony to abort a fetus unless “on medical advice for the purpose of saving the life of the mother.” Roe filed suit against Wade, the district attorney of Dallas County, contesting the statue on the grounds that it violated the guarantee of personal liberty and the right to privacy implicitly guaranteed in the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. In deciding for Roe, the Supreme Court invalidated any state laws that prohibited first trimester abortions.

“We … acknowledge our awareness of the sensitive and emotional nature of the abortion controversy, of the vigorous opposing views, even among physicians, and of the deep and seemingly absolute convictions that the subject inspires.” — Justice Blackmun (1973), majority opinion in Roe v. Wade

When you talk to Far Left Democrats about this stopping of a beating heart, they will  claim that, a human fetus is “just a clump of cells”. 

From the scientific perspective, Dr. Carlo Bellieni, in his book “Dawn of the I: Pain, Memory, Desire, Dream of the Fetus,” says:

As soon as it is born, the child shows in a scientifically demonstrable way that it recognizes its mother’s voice and distinguishes it from that of a stranger. Where has he learned that voice other than in the maternal womb?

There are also direct proofs. For example, we register how the movements and cardiac frequency of the fetus vary if we transmit unexpected sounds through the uterine wall. And we see that at first the fetus is startled, then it gets used to it, just like we do when we hear something that does not interest us.

In fact, the scientific evidence is immense. We cannot understand how it can be thought that it becomes a person at a certain point, perhaps when coming out of the uterus.

From the physical point of view, at the birth very little really changes: Air enters the lungs, the arrival of blood from the placenta is interrupted, the type of circulation of blood in the heart changes, and not much more.

As I often say, only blind faith in magic arts or some strange divinity can lead one to think that there is a “human” quality leap at a given moment — certainly not science.

Several years ago, then-President Obama, who was brushing away tears on a Tuesday Morning on behalf of limiting the Second Amendment Rights of American Citizens, said the following,

Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information.

My question for the Democrat Elite and their Department of Justice, is:

When do children stop being a “punishment” and start being precious lives to shed tears over?

Is it simply a matter of “Political Expediency”?

Until He Comes,





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Biden Administration Asks SCOTUS to Dismiss Trump Plan to Block Federal Grants to Sanctuary Cities

See the source image

You may have seen this already, however, it explains illegal immigration as succinctly as anything I’ve come across:

Let’s pretend I broke into your house.  When you discover me there, you insist I leave.  But I say, “I’ve made all the beds, washed the dishes, did the laundry, and cleaned the floors; I’ve done all the work you don’t like to do. I’m hardworking and honest (except for breaking into your house). Not only must you let me stay, you must also add me to your insurance plan, educate my kids, and provide these benefits to my husband, too (he will do your yard work, he’s honest and hardworking too–except for that breaking in part). If you try to force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house and proclaim my right to be there! It’s only fair, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I’m trying to better myself. I’m hardworking and honest…except for, well, you know. I will live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of selfishness and prejudice.

Oh yeah, I want you to learn my language so you can communicate with me.

Good plan.. don’t you think?

Actually, NO.

However, Joe Biden’s Handlers do.

Newsmax.com reports that

President Joe Biden’s administration asked the U.S. Supreme Court to dismiss three pending appeals stemming from his predecessor’s efforts to block federal grants to cities and states that don’t cooperate with federal immigration enforcement.

In joint filings with the court on Thursday, Acting Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar indicated that the new administration had resolved federal litigation with California, New York State, New York City and other so-called sanctuary jurisdictions.

The cities and states sued after former President Donald Trump’s administration threatened to withhold the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants, which are often used to buy equipment or pay for police overtime. Byrne, a New York City police officer, was murdered in the line of duty in 1988.

Lower courts were divided on the legality of the Trump policy, and both sides were appealing. The Trump administration had asked the high court to hear a case from California, while New York City and a group of states led by New York were seeking review of a ruling they lost.

The Supreme Court had been deferring action on the appeals while the new administration decided how to handle the cases. The cases are Wilkinson v. San Francisco, 20-666; New York v. Department of Justice, 20-795; and City of New York v. Department of Justice, 20-796.

The last bipartisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform wrangled with the hot topic of Illegal Immigration for six years. President Clinton appointed former congresswoman and Democratic icon Barbara Jordan as its chair. Jordan came from humble beginnings to become a lawyer and the first Southern black woman elected to the House of Representatives. A DEMOCRAT, she was a leader in the civil rights movement, a professor of ethics, a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and a world-class orator (two of her speeches are considered among the greatest of the 20th century). Her appointment gave the commission instant credibility. According to Jordan, she believed her responsibility as the head of the commission was to restore credibility to the U.S. immigration system. On the issue of illegal immigration, Jordan was very clear and succinct:

Unlawful immigration is unacceptable. Those who should not be here will be required to leave.

I wonder what Rep. Jordan would think of her beloved Democratic Party, now that they have embraced and are not only welcoming the same illegality, which she was so clear about, but protecting illegal aliens from deportation?

And, how would she feel about the fact that innocent Americans are being murdered by these uninvited guests?

I believe that she would stand with our Former President and walk straight into the Oval Office and give the current resident a piece of her mind.

So, why are these Democratic Mayors refusing to abide by our nation’s laws by HARBORING FUGITIVES?

Liberals, on both sides of the Political Aisle, have continuously masked their true intentions for the political usefulness, in their incessant push to grant blanket amnesty to Illegal Aliens, by swathing it in the noble rhetoric of “Civil Rights” and “Social Justice”.

What makes the current influx of illegal immigrants exempt from the rules and regulations that every other generation of immigrants to this country had to abide by in order to become legal citizens of the greatest nation in the world? By being here illegally, they are not entitled to the same rights as natural-born or naturalized American citizens.

And, yet, even as I write this, they are in our hospitals, taking advantage of our charity and the finest health care system in the world, and driving our streets, with either forged drivers licenses or those obtained from states who have acquiesced and given them to these “undocumented workers”.

This is in no way a human rights issue.

Freedom is God-given, and with freedom comes responsibility. With citizenship comes responsibility, like paying taxes and making your own way.

Attempting to assign “Constitutional Rights” to those who are here illegally is a usurpation of power Democratic local and national Politicians.

I understand that people want a better life for themselves and their children.  We are all immigrants in this land, except for American Indians, and they got here by crossing the Bering Straight.  But there is a huge difference between immigrating here legally and sneaking in illegally, between assimilating into an existing culture, and insisting on replacing a country’s existing culture with that of the country you left.

I’m all for assisting anyone in becoming a legal citizen of the United States, if that is their wish.  But, it must be done the right way, and they must accept responsibility for their illegal entry, show a willingness to learn our language, and embrace our American way of life, including respecting the American Flag.

Those who came here illegally and taken advantage of our benevolence need to be deported.

If they want to become Americans, they can get in line and do it legally.

Until He Comes,



How the Fight to Seat Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett is Tied Into the Fight to Reelect President Trump

FoxNews.com reports that

Judge Amy Coney Barrett, fresh off her confirmation to serve as an associate justice on the nation’s highest court, took her constitutional oath on Monday at the White House.

The Supreme Court said in a press release that Barrett will be able to start her new role after Chief Justice John Roberts administers her judicial oath on Tuesday. Justice Clarence Thomas administered the constitutional oath at Monday’s ceremony.

Thomas has long been considered one of the more conservative justices on the court, along with Barrett’s mentor, the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Echoing her mentor, Barrett underscored the need for a separation of powers between the judicial and legislative branches.

“It is the job of a senator to pursue her policy preferences,” Barrett said to an audience on the South Lawn of the White House. “In fact, it would be a dereliction of duty for her to put policy goals aside. By contrast, it is the job of a judge to resist her policy preferences. It would be a dereliction of duty for her to give into them. Federal judges don’t stand for election. Thus, they have no basis for claiming that their preferences reflect those of the people.”

The separation of duty is what makes the judiciary distinct, she said.

“A judge declares independence not only from Congress and the president, but also from the private beliefs that might otherwise move her,” she said.

The Senate confirmed Barrett with a 52-48 vote. All 45 Democrats and two independents who caucus with the Democrats opposed her confirmation.

Controversial from the start, her confirmation prompted a wave of backlash on Monday. Almost immediately after the Senate voted, Democratic lawmakers panned the decision while some called demanded leaders “expand the court.”

Barrett’s confirmation solidified a conservative majority on the nation’s highest court, and gave Trump another victory as he headed into election day.

Whoever wins on Nov. 3 will likely have major consequences on the Supreme Court as an American institution. Former Vice President Joe Biden has mostly refused to answer questions about whether he would pack the courts.

On Monday, Biden said that he might be open to shifting Supreme Court justices to lower courts if elected president, noting that he hadn’t made any judgment yet on the issue.

“There is some literature among constitutional scholars about the possibility of going from one court to another court, not just always staying the whole time in the Supreme Court but I have made no judgment,” Biden said at a campaign stop in Chester, Pa.

He went on to say that “there are just a group of serious constitutional scholars, have a number of ideas how we should proceed from this point on.”

“That’s what we’re going to be doing. We’re going to give them 180 days God-willing if I’m elected, from the time I’m sworn in to be able to make such a recommendation.”

During an interview with “60 Minutes,” Biden said he would set up a commission that would make recommendations for reforming the court system.

“I will ask them to, over 180 days, come back to me with recommendations as to how to reform the court system because it’s getting out of whack,” he said.

What has played out before our eyes since the death of Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg concerning the highest court in that land is a clue to the crux of matter as to what is at stake in the 2020 Presidential Election, just one week away.

The Supreme Court rules on the Constitutionality of the laws of our land.

The House and the Senate draw up and pass bills which the President signs into law.

The Far Left Democrats are so desperate to control America and its citizens’ daily lives from cradle to grave that they are willing to expand the Supreme Court and even to add states in order to accomplish their quest for power.

All their crying concerning the “fairness” of Donald J. Trump choosing Judge Barrett to fill the seat of Justice Ginsburg has been nothing but a smokescreen of selfishness and egotism.

They knew that the President had every right to fill the empty seat of the Supreme Court.

The Democrats were desperate to maintain a majority by adding another Liberal to join turncoat Justice Roberts.

They knew that if a Conservative Majority were seated on the court that they would follow the letter of the law…instead of interpreting the Constitution to meet the Marxist Dreams of the Far Left Democrats.

For example, not allow mail-in votes that “suddenly appear” after November 3rd to be counted.

Make no mistake…the Democrats’ wailing and gnashing of teeth was never about fairness.

It was always about political power.

Our Founding Fathers were brilliant men who pledged their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” to the fight for our future as a Sovereign Nation.

They left us a blueprint.

We must not let the followers of a failed political philosophy which has not worked anywhere which  have constantly tried to rewrite that document which has served our country and its citizens so well to win the power of the Oval Office.

Our future as a Sovereign Nation is at stake next Tuesday.

Vote accordingly.

Until He Comes,


Back in 1983, Biden Called “Packing the Court” a “Bonehead Idea…a Terrible, Terrible Mistake to Make”

FoxNews.com reports that

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris of California, have been mum on the question of court-packing should they win the November election, but in 1983 Biden was much more outspoken on the issue, calling it a “bonehead idea.”

Biden, then a U.S. Senator from Delaware, made the comments during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in July 1983 regarding nominations to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. At the time, Republican President Ronald Reagan had stoked controversy for attempting to replace three members of the commission.

Biden argued at the time that, although it was within the president’s right to do so, it risked damaging the credibility of the commission. He compared it to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s unsuccessful attempts in 1937 to expand the Supreme Court by six justices – in other words, pack the court.

“President Roosevelt clearly had the right to send to the United States Senate and the United States Congress a proposal to pack the court. It was totally within his right to do that. He violated no law. He was legalistically, absolutely correct,” Biden, then 40, told the committee. “But it was a bonehead idea. It was a terrible, terrible mistake to make. And it put in question, if for an entire decade, the independence of the most-significant body … in this country, the Supreme Court of the United States of America.”

The question of court-packing has been evoked in recent weeks amid President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Democrats have argued that the next Supreme Court Justice ought to be decided by the winner of the November election and that Barrett’s confirmation to the court – so close to the election, no less – would unfairly cement a 6-3 conservative majority on the court.

With just three weeks to go until the election, Republicans have seized on the issue as a last-minute argument to voters that a Biden administration would upend norms and install liberals on an expanding Supreme Court.

Facing pressure to take a stance during a campaign swing through Phoenix on Thursday, Biden said the country would “know my position on court-packing when the election is over.”

Biden once again deflected on the court packing question on Saturday during in a campaign stop in Erie, Pennsylvania – telling reporters that should instead focus on Republican efforts to fill the empty seat on the Supreme Court before Election Day.

“Look, the only court packing that’s going on right now. It’s going on with the Republicans packing the court now,” Biden said, arguing that “it’s not constitutional what they’re doing.”

Both Biden and Harris have said the Senate should wait until after the election to fill the seat. Biden has pledged to select the first Black female justice if given a chance. But he and Harris are otherwise taking pains to avoid talking about their vision for the Supreme Court’s future.

There is a reason that Biden and Harris refuse to talk about packing the court:

That reason being, because they intend to do it if they get elected as President and President-in-Waiting.

Sunday’s “Democrat lie of the day” on the morning news shows was a false equating of Trump getting his nomination for the vacant Supreme Court Justice Seat, Amy Coney Barrett, seating before the Presidential Election to the practice of “packing the court”, which actually means adding more justices to the nine who already serve on the Highest Court in the Land.

The Democrats desperately want to pack the court so that, like all fascist governments before them, they can rule with impunity.

There is nothing illegal or immoral about President Trump wishing to get Judge Barrett seated on the Supreme Court before November’s Presidential Election.

It is one of the perks of winning the Presidency.

For the last four years, the Democrat Elite have behaved as if they were still in power in Washington, D.C. and as if their embracement of the failed political ideology of Marxism was shared by the majority of Americans.

They are wrong on both counts

Their behavior has not won the hearts and minds of average Americans living between the coasts…in fact, quite the opposite.

While push poll after push poll attempt to convince the gullible among us that Biden is way in the lead in the race for the Presidency, in reality, Sleep Joe has trouble getting more than 40 people to come to one of his campaign rallies.

Could it be the fact that Biden, after suffering two aneurysms and the possible onset on dementia, and those who have put him up to this, including Dr. Jill Biden and the Democrat Elite, has underestimating the intelligence of average Americans living between the coats, just as they did in the 2016 Presidential Election?

Hmmm…could be.

Until He Comes,


The War on Christianity: Democrats’ React to Trump’s Nominating Amy Coney Barrett, a Christian Conservative Wife and Mother, to Supreme Court

It was an honor to be at the @WhiteHouse when Pres.@realDonaldTrump announced his nominee for #SCOTUS—Amy Coney Barrett. From what I’ve read, she is more than qualified, has a brilliant legal mind, & will interpret the Constitution as it is written. – Franklin Graham, Twitter, 9/26/20

FoxNews.com reports that

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Saturday said the Senate should not act on Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court until after “the American people select their next president and the next Congress.”

“Supreme Court decisions affect our everyday lives, and the Constitution was designed to give voters a voice on who makes those decisions,” Biden tweeted Saturday, just after President Trump nominated Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy left by late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“The Senate shouldn’t act until after the American people select their next president and the next Congress,” Biden continued. “Americans deserve to be heard.”

Biden, this week, called Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s efforts to push a nominee through the Senate before Election Day an “exercise in raw political power.”

Biden pointed to the controversy surrounding Obama’s appointment of Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy left by late Justice Antonin Scalia in 2016, and argued that “having made this their standard when it served their interest, they cannot, just four years later, change course when it doesn’t serve their ends.”

Senate Republicans refused to hold a hearing or a vote on Garland’s nomination, citing the imminent 2016 presidential election.

Biden has refused to release a list of potential Supreme Court picks should he be elected president, saying that he would make his nominations to the high court on a bipartisan basis.

“If I win, I will make my choice for the Supreme Court—not as part of a partisan election campaign—but as prior presidents did,” Biden said last week. “Only after consulting Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Senate—and seeking their advice before I ask for their consent.”

He added: “As everyone knows, I have made it clear that my first choice for the Supreme Court will make history as the first African American woman justice.”

The Trump campaign has criticized Biden for failing to release a list of his own, suggesting he is “hiding” something.

“We know he’s a tool of the radical left, so the only answer must be that he doesn’t want Americans to see the radical leftists he would appoint, with judicial histories littered with extremist rulings on issues like abortion, religious freedom, immigration, Second Amendment rights and government regulation,” Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh told Fox News this week.

Meanwhile, Biden’s running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., said that Trump’s choice to nominate Barrett would “harm millions of Americans.”

“Trump’s hand-picked successor to Justice Ginsburg’s seat makes it clear: they intend to destroy the Affordable Care Act & overturn Roe,” Harris tweeted, referring to the landmark Roe v. Wade decision.

“This selection would move the court further right for a generation & harm millions of Americans,” she said.

Also Saturday, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez also weighed in, saying the president’s choice “confirms what we already knew.”

“Everything we care about is at stake in this election. Health care is on the ballot. Reproductive rights are on the ballot. LGBTQ rights, voting rights, and workers’ rights are on the ballot. The future of our planet is on the ballot,” he said in a statement. “Today’s announcement is an affront not simply to our values as a democracy, but to every organizer and activist who has fought, marched, and voted to make this country live up to its founding ideals.”

Perez added: “We must send a loud, clear, and unified message to Trump and every one of his Republican enablers at the ballot box in November by voting them out of office.”

The comments come after Trump formally nominated Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court from the White House Rose Garden Saturday. Coney Barrett accepted the nomination, pledging to “discharge the responsibilities of this job to the very best of my ability.”

“I love the United States and I love the United States Constitution,” she said Saturday. “I will do equal right to the poor and the rich and faithfully and impartially discharge my duties under the United States Constitution.”

Why are the Democrats so scared of a strong Christian Conservative American Woman with a loving husband and seven children, including two they adopted from Haiti and one who has special needs, who possesses an impeccable legal background which makes her more than qualified to serve on the Supreme Court?

Consider, if you will, a country in which its president is being fought against by municipal leaders of the other political party for trying to keep his promise to protect his country’s citizens for riots and killing sprees in their cities.

…a country where a black race car driver intentionally damages his sport by identifying a rope used for closing a garage door as a “noose” “awakening’ executives as NASCAR resulting in a ban on Confederate Flags at the races and a “solidarity march”, only to have the FBI find that the offending object was never a noose at all, just a way to close the garage door.

…a country in which a political party supports abortion up until birth and its Presidential Candidate calls a sitting President a “racist” without proof, while ignoring his own well-documented racism.

“You are traveling through a previously unknown country, a country whose population has politically been torn asunder, a country whose Democratic Leadership have forsworn its traditional faith and values to embrace those of its enemies. A country whose great promise is once again being realized, despite the best efforts of its enemies within. There’s a signpost up ahead. Next stop, the 2020 Presidential Election.”

This country has been pulling apart at the seams since the night of November 8, 2016, which Donald J. Trump was elected as our 45th President.

And the thing is, it is not his fault.

The direction which the Modern Democratic Party has taken to the Far Left of the Political Spectrum has put them at odds with the majority of Americans who still hold dear the Traditional Faith and Values System upon which our Sovereign Nation was founded.

In an article written for Decision Magazine dated February 12, 2012, America’s Pastor, Rev. Billy Graham, wrote on the subject of “Confusing Evil With Good”. Here are some excerpts…

Humanity has always been dexterous at confusing evil with good. That was Adam and Eve’s problem, and it is our problem today. If evil were not made to appear good, there would be no such thing as temptation. It is in their close similarity that the danger lies.

Modern social righteousness often differs from the righteousness of the Bible. Someone has said: “A wrong deed is right if the majority of people declare it not to be wrong.” By this principle we can see our standards shifting from year to year according to the popular vote! Divorce was once frowned upon by society, and laws against fornication and adultery were strictly enforced. But now divorce is accepted by society, and fornication is glorified in our literature and films.

The Bible says: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.” God has not changed. His standards have not been lowered. God still calls immorality a sin, and the Bible says God is going to judge it.

Honesty was once the hallmark of character. But it has been set aside with an “It’s all right if you don’t get caught” philosophy. Only when we are in court are we required to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

…How do we get our values so mixed up? How do we fall into this trap of Satan? For one thing, we’re shortsighted. We look for shortcuts to happiness. Our lust for immediate pleasure prompts us to think of evil as good.

In one of novelist John Steinbeck’s books he has a character saying: “If it succeeds, they will be thought not crooked but clever.” In our desire to achieve success quickly, it is easy to get our values mixed up and call evil good and good evil.

Another way to call evil good is to say that morals are relative. Someone has said: “As the occasion, so the behavior.” We have changed our moral code to fit our behavior instead of changing our behavior to harmonize with our moral code. Nothing is firm today. We are not on solid ground. Young people are shifting from one side to the other. Morally, they are drifting aimlessly without compass or guide.

Still another way that evil is called good is for the conscience to be perverted, and certainly our consciences today are perverted. But right is right even if nobody is right, and wrong is wrong even if everybody is wrong. God does not change the moral law to suit our behavior.

…The modern conscience has been twisted and distorted so badly that it is difficult to tell what is genuine and what is false.

Self-centeredness is another reason we are so inclined to call evil good. When something brings profit or pleasure to us we are inclined to call evil good, even though we know it is dead wrong. “But it’s what I’ve always wanted,” or, “It’s good for me, although I know it’s wrong” are the alibis we have manufactured to justify evil and call it good.

It is very apparent that there is something that is literally tearing apart the fabric of our country.

The only conclusion that I, as a Christian American can reach, is the fact that our Sovereign Nation is in the midst of SPIRITUAL WARFARE for its very soul.

Make no mistake about it, boys and girls, EVIL EXISTS.

My friends, I believe that we are fighting a war against “princes and principalities”. Evil is still alive and well and flourishing in a world in which relative morality and situational ethics are increasingly being accepted as normal behavior.

We see it everyday around us.

It inundates the cable news channels, 24 hours a day. Heck, you can even see it on Facebook.

Since Cain slew Able with a rock, mankind, because we are all fallen creatures, has had to deal with the presence of evil in our lives.

From the legendary massacres, perpetrated by Vlad the Impaler, to the horrific scenes of Hitler’s Concentration Camps, to the killing fields of Pol Pot, to the massacre of innocent Middle Eastern Christians by Islamic State, to the murders by Chicago Street Gangs every night, the Forces of Evil continue to flourish across the globe.

Who we as a nation are struggling with are those forces who want to turn our country into not just an immoral society, but, an amoral one, whose concept of right and wrong is “Whatever Gets You Through the Night (It’s Alright. It’s Alright.)”, and whose ultimate authority is not the God of Abraham, but a Godless All-Powerful Central Government, whose credo is

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. (Karl Marx)

Just as Marxism has failed wherever it has been tried before, if the Far Left Democrats have their way, so it would lead to America’s downfall.

The galling thing is the fact that, even though American Christians remain 75% of the population, we are propagandized and suppressed by the Liberals in both the Old and New Media, to make it seem as if WE are the Minority, when, in fact, WE are the overwhelming Majority.

It is this New Generation of Amoral Marxists, who have taken over the Democratic Party, who are in fact, just a tiny, albeit vocal, Minority of America’s population.

So, what can an average Christian American, like you and me, do about this “Tyranny of the Minority”?

Christians have to make a choice in these tough times whether to allow those who are attempting to “radically change” our Sovereign Nation, given to us by God into a Democratic Socialist Paradise or…

As the Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians, we can STAND.

However, you cannot stand without “the full armor of God”. I have found, as have my family and friends, that the better that you are doing, in terms of your Christian Walk, the harder that you will be attacked.

10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.…- Ephesians 6:10-12

Our Christianity as Americans does not and can not end at Noon on Sunday, as we shake the Preacher’s hand and walk out of the sanctuary (those of us who still get to go and are not “quarantined” at home).

“Onward, Christian Soldiers, marching as to war.”

Because believe me, Americans…we are in one.

With his nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, President Trump has fired a shot across the bow of those Americans who not only hate our country and our Traditional American Faith and Values, but who also look down at with disdain those of us who cherish them.

Isaiah 5:20 tells us

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! 

Stay tuned, gentle readers. they are about to one again reveal themselves for the entire world to see.

Pray for our President.

Pray for Amy Coney Barrett.

Pray for our country.

And, vote on November 3rd.

Until He Comes,