AOC Proposes Population Control Because of “Climate Change”…Marxism By Any Other Name…

Have you ever wondered why Modern American Liberals are still so preoccupied with the faux science of Global Warming/Climate Change?

I mean, how arrogant do you have to be to believe that you can make a change in the very weather itself, which is controlled by Someone way above your pay grade?

Invented by Al Gore, and propagandized in the book and the movie, “An Inconvenient Truth”, “Climate Change” has become both a Secular Liberal Religion and an industry, a failed one, but an industry none the less.

Ranging from washouts like Solyndra to GreenTech Automotive, millions of taxpayer dollars were sunk into these so-called green projects, through all 8 years of the Obama administration.

The Climate Change Hoax was a big money-maker for Liberals under the Obama Administration.

It is so much a part of Congressional Liberals personal mantras, they believe that literally EVERYTHING is secondary to this faux science.

For example… reports that

Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said young people have to ask a “legitimate question” in the wake of climate change and mounting student loan debt: “Is it okay to still have children?”

In an Instagram Live video over the weekend, Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., welcomed supporters into her kitchen—and gave a “special hello to my haters”—while she made chili and poured herself a glass of white wine.

“Our planet is going to face disaster if we don’t turn this ship around,” she said, as she chopped sweet potatoes. “And so it’s basically like, there is a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead, I think young people, to have a legitimate question. Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”

She continued: “Not just financially because people are graduating with 20, 30, 100 thousand dollars of student loan debt so they can’t even afford to have kids in the house, but there’s also just this basic moral question, like, what do we do?”

“And even if you don’t have kids, there are still children here in the world and we have a moral obligation to them to leave a better world to them.”

…“The whole premise of the Green New Deal, is that we’re screwed on climate. I’m sorry to break it to you,” she said. “When it comes to climate in particular, we’re actually screwed. There is a global threat to the planet.”

She added: “At this point, we don’t even have to prove it. Just walk outside in the winter in a lot of places, and its, either way worse than you’re used to, or way warmer than you’re used to.”

“Hurricanes, storms, wildfires,” she said. “We are dying now.”

While the resolution itself would do little because it is non-binding, it is the first time the policy proposal has been formally outlined in Congress.

“If we called a vote on the Green New Deal, tomorrow or Tuesday when I got back to D.C., and it passed, NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN,” she stressed, seemingly downplaying the impact should it be passed. “Literally, nothing would happen because it is a resolution. It is a statement. Be it resolved. It is us agreeing to a statement. Not any binding course of action.”

The resolution says “a new national social, industrial and economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II and the New Deal” is an opportunity to tackle systemic injustices toward minority groups, create millions of high-wage jobs and “provide unprecedented levels of prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States.”

Its proposals include “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers;” job creation; healthcare for all; infrastructure investment; guarantees of clean water, healthy food and sustainable environment; and a curiously undefined “access to nature.”

Isn’t it fascinating how the Liberals’ ongoing crusade against “Climate Change” has become an excuse to install a Marxist Government in America?

The Premiere “Useful Idiot” in America, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez never needs an excuse to promote cradle-to-grave governmental control over the lives of American Citizens but, with yesterday’s advice for millennials, she was able to combine the pseudo-science of Climate Change with Population Control, such as is mandated in Communist China.

According to,

For thousands of years, China didn’t have a population policy. Traditional Chinese culture believes that having many children is a blessing from heaven. Even after Communists took over China in 1949, Chairman Mao continued to encourage Chinese women to have as many babies as possible, because more babies meant more future foot-soldiers for his Communist Revolution. Under his rule, China’s population grew from 660 million in 1961 (after the Chinese famine) to 930 million in 1976.

When Mao passed away in 1976, he left China in such economic shambles that China’s per capita GDP was merely $162, only slightly better than Bangladesh ($142) but worse than Afghanistan ($200). Chinese leaders believed China’s economy couldn’t support a population any larger. By 1979, China’s population grew to 980 million and Chinese leaders decided to implement the one-child policy in order to curb population growth.

…The Chinese government finally relaxed the one-child policy in 2015 by telling the Chinese people, “now you are allowed to have two kids.” The Chinese government didn’t make this change out of any benevolence towards its people, but out of cold calculation of statistics: China’s working age population is shrinking and there is a huge gender imbalance. All are directly caused by the 35-year-old one-child policy.

“Climate Change” and Marxism have a lot in common. They both seek to limit people’s personal freedom and neither one of them have ever been proven to be viable. They both remain theories.

They also both require a great deal of arrogance to be absorbed as a belief…the kind of arrogance which enables to believe to accept the falsehood that he or she is their own god, cable of controlling the Earth’s weather and judging how much freedom an individual should have to control their own daily lives and destiny.

The Far Left champions of Democratic Socialism or “The New Bolsheviks” as I have dubbed them, are no less dangerous than the original ones who did the bidding of Vladimir Lenin by overthrowing the Czar and installing Marxist Theory in the form of Communism as the governing rule of law in Russia.

Today’s Far Left Democratic Party, as exemplified by “Useful Idiot” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wish to exchange our American Liberty for the fascism and subjugation of Marxism, self-assured that they will finally be the ones to make it “work”.

The late great Slim Pickens, as Major T. J. Kong in Stanley Kubrick’s “Dr. Strangelove”, finally got that nuclear bomb his plane was carrying to work…but he had to ride it to Hell in order to do it.

If the before-mentioned “Useful Idiot” Ocasio-Cortez and her fellow travelers ever gain control of our Sovereign Nation, America will go on that same ride.

Until He Comes,


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