Biden “Fixes” Title IX to Include “Gender Identities”

“Former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos slammed the Biden administration’s Title IX overhaul, saying the statute created to protect women would now be used to “harm” them.

The Biden administration finalized the rules on Friday related to sex discrimination and sexual harassment under Title IX, redefining sex to include claimed gender identities. The rules did not address transgender participation in sports, which is part of separate rulemaking likely to be finalized near the end of the year.

“I never thought I’d see the day where Title IX would be used to harm women, but sadly, that day has come,” DeVos, who ushered through the Education Department’s 2020 rulemaking on Title IX, said in a statement.

“The Biden Administration’s radical rewrite of Title IX guts the half century of protections and opportunities for women and callously replaces them with radical gender theory, as Biden’s far-left political base demanded.”

DeVos explained that the new rules require that boys be allowed in girls’ bathrooms as early as elementary school, and she said that even these rules would likely have an effect on women’s sports, aside from the forthcoming rules specific to that topic.

The Biden administration was roundly slammed by other organizations as well.” (Courtesy

What does the Biden Administration and the Far Left Democratic Party have against women athletes?

I guess they only support womenas long as they vote Democrat, are willing to yank babies out of their wombs…and are actually men.

I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but dang.

If you listen to the Far Left Democratic Party and supporters like the American Psychological Association, who continue to campaign fervently for “Transgendered Rights”, you would think that their percentage in America’s overall population MUST be somewhere in the double digits.

You would be wrong.

Transgendered Americans actually only number somewhere around 700,000, about 0.3 percent of U.S. adults.

I suppose that the “coming out” of Former Olympic Decathalon and Reality TV Star Bruce Jenner as her Transgendered Persona, “Caitlyn”, started this particular snowball down the hill.

President Ronald Reagan used to refer to the United States of America as “the shining city on a hill”. During the nightmare known as the Obama Presidency, that shine became tarnished.

The Far Left Democrats have “transitioned” that “Great Experiment” had turned out to be a Frankenstein’s Monster.

What is it about Biden’s Handlers, the Democrat Elite, and the Wokesheviks that drives them to continue this push against the moral and ethical boundaries of American Society?

There is nothing brave and daring about having men beat women at anything…much less high school and collegiate events that are supposed to celebrate human achievement under fair athletic circumstances.

All the actions of biological men who want to compete againt women are saying to me is that they can’t make it competing against other biological males, so they decided to pick on women, who are genetically physically weaker than men for the most part.

I’m not demeaning women. I am married to one whom I love with all my heart. Some of my best friends throughout the years have been women.

However, I am stating a fact. For proof, please go back and read the fact that the physical training of our Armed Forces had to be changed because the women were failing.

I am not against women competing against males in the workplace. I’ve met intelligent women who are a success in their chosen profession.

I have a problem with a Presidential Administration who places the rights of a miniscule minority above, as Riley Gaines said, “51% of the population.”

I also have a problem with the Far Left Democratic Party trying to tell Americans that what is morally and ethically wrong is “normal” and justified.

Oh, and if you think that the majority of American parents are going to allow their daughters to go to a school which lets supposedly transgendered boys flash their junk to the girls in girls’ locker rooms and restrooms, then you are an idiot.

It is garbage like this that caused Sodom and Gomorrah to be blown straight to Hell.

Until He Comes,


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