Rush Blasts Establishment Republicans for Not Standing Behind Trump and Celebrating “Victory” of Mueller Report


“The fact that the Republican Party, there are still many people in there that — like Mitt Romney, says he was sickened, oh, he was sickened by what he read in the Mueller report. This is the same guy, Mitt Romney, who they said didn’t care when an employee’s wife died of cancer; same guy that they said didn’t pay his taxes for 10 years. The same guy who they said beat up somebody in prep school. The same guy who said he had a file of nothing but women. They destroyed Mitt Romney, and here he is on their side. What does that tell you?” reports that

Democrats still do not understand how Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election, says talk titan Rush Limbaugh, host of ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show.’

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh didn’t mince words while addressing multiple issues Tuesday on “The Story with Martha MacCallum” but his strongest hits were aimed at Republicans who had yet to fully jump on the President Trump bandwagon.

“Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, we are not in politics. We are media titans, but we are not in politics. It is the party of Donald Trump right now, and the Republicans that don’t realize that had better get on board,” Limbaugh said, reacting to a New York Times op-ed by Joe Lockhart, a press secretary to then-President Bill Clinton.

“Republicans today are the party of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson — a coalition that, in the face of every demographic trend in America, will mean the long-term realignment of the federal government behind the Democrats,” Lockhart wrote Monday.

Limbaugh said Lockhart’s words were an example of frustration within the Democrats.

“They haven’t been able to ‘defeat me’ in 30 years. They can’t defeat Trump. They haven’t been able to stop him, and I think they are frustrated. They have thrown every weapon they have in their arsenal at Donald Trump, and nothing’s worked. Things they’ve used over the years that have been readily available to get rid and take out any Republican they want, they have bounced off of Trump,” Limbaugh told Martha MacCallum.

Limbaugh criticized the Republican party for not fully standing behind Trump and celebrating his “victory” when the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report was released. He also noted that Trump wasn’t just taking on the Democratis but was battling the Washington establishment — including Republicans.

“Where’s the Republican party with the celebratory emails to their voters? Even fund-raising, or just celebrating the victory, where are they? You don’t hear them. The reason is, Martha, because this is a battle not between two parties, this is a battle between the Washington establishment and the deep state, I call them the administrative state, and outsiders and Americans who feel disenfranchised or unattached,” Limbaugh said.

Limbaugh also went after Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, for saying he was “sickened” by the president’s actions as documented in the Mueller report.

“There is no reason not to get behind him unless you don’t like his voters, and that is where I think the key to understanding this is,” Limbaugh said

Per usual, El Rushbo absolutely nails it.

Trump is the first non-politician since our nation’s early days to become the President of the United States of America.

A bunch of Never-Trumpers who were in in the Republican Party,  such as Paul Ryan, left Congress before the 2018 Midterm Elections. offended that a rank outsider somehow became our 45th President.

To put it bluntly, those Washington Insiders on both sides of the Political Aisle who are so offended by President Trump are the ones who put him in office.

Anger has played an important part in the forging of this great country.

It was anger that formed our country….an anger over being held captive to “Taxation Without Representation”…an anger which, as a prime example of history repeating itself, led Americans to choose a Citizen Statesman for their 45th President over a Professional Politician.

It is this anger, which also propelled Donald J. Trump to his victory in the Republican Primary Race…and those who prefer the Washingtonian Status Quo seem to have forgotten that fact.

That is why the Republican Establishment, at least some of them, continue to “bite the hand that feeds them”, attacking President Trump on a regular basis.

The funny thing is, for all of their angst and “concern”, if they had not accepted the reality of his Primary Victory, and the fact that Americans were angry, they would have gone down to defeat in 2016 and the company would be suffering under the oppressive rule of President Hillary Clinton.

The Republican Establishment would have never achieved victory by once again trying to push the Jello of “Liberal Moderation” up a hill.

Please reference the failed campaign of Jeb! Bush.

The American people were tired of Political Correctness and anti-American political expediencies being forced down our throats by both political parties and trumpeted by their lackeys in the Main Stream Media.

Donald Trump, for all of his brashness and braggadocio, was a breath of free air and, quite frankly an anomaly. He was not a professional politician. He was a businessman who wanted to become a public servant.

And, so far, what he has accomplished as President while being the subject of a 2-year Witch Hunt has demonstrated that he was up to the challenge.

During his actions since taking office, we have seen Trump exemplify leadership ability and a concern for our country that we did not from his predecessor.

Meanwhile, those on the left are still participating in National Temper Tantrum, as if they have the power to overthrow our Constitution and to end Trump’s Presidency for no reason other than they do not like him.

And, the Never-Trumpers in the GOP Elite would gladly help them.

Unfortunately for the Deep State Operatives within our Intelligence Agencies, Special Counsel Mueller DID NOT find any collusion between Trump and the Russians…plus Attorney General William Barr is beginning an investigation into how Mueller’s Witch Hunt got started.

And to those Republicans who would rather stand with the Democrats than stand up for a Republican President, it is time for you to go ahead and get it over with and switch parties, go stand with your Democrat Friends, and then sit down and shut up.

It’s not about what you want anymore.

It is about what us average Americans want.

Until He Comes,



One thought on “Rush Blasts Establishment Republicans for Not Standing Behind Trump and Celebrating “Victory” of Mueller Report


    Those republicans who continually sit like turtles on a fencepost are the ones the American people are sick and tired of. For once we have a president who has vowed to drain the swamp. He isn’t a career politician, but a savvy business man who knows corruption when he sees it. He’s the perfect guy for the job. Those who fear they will lose their honorable seats in the house or senate because of him should be afraid. Their day is coming.

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