Trump at Faith and Freedom Conference, “The Radical Left is Trying to Shame Christians, Silence You…”

“Former President Donald Trump told a national gathering of Christian conservative activists Saturday not to let the secular left “silence” and “shame” them in a bid to keep them from voting, saying Christianity would be in “tatters” if President Joe Biden is reelected.

On Saturday, Trump addressed the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference in Washington, D.C., encouraging attendees to do all they can to encourage fellow Christians to vote in the upcoming November election, bemoaning that not all Christians vote.

“We need Christians to turn out in the largest numbers ever to tell Crooked Joe Biden … ‘Joe, you’re fired,'” said Trump, the 2024 presumptive Republican nominee for president.

“The radical left is trying to shame Christians, silence you, demoralize you and they want to keep you out of politics. They don’t want you to vote. That’s why you have to vote,” he maintained. “If you vote, we cannot lose. They don’t want you to vote. But Christians cannot afford to sit on the sidelines. If Joe Biden gets in, Christianity will not be safe in a nation with no borders, no laws, no freedom, no future.”

After predicting that “your religion certainly will be, I think, in tatters,” Trump highlighted the criticism the Trump administration has faced regarding its treatment of Catholics.

Trump asked, “What’s going on with Catholics?” He lamented that “they are being persecuted.”

“What is that all about?” he inquired before suggesting that Biden, a Catholic, “has no idea what the Hell is happening.”

“I don’t think it is him. I think it’s the people that surround him, the fascists, communists,” he said. “They’re young, very smart, vicious people.” (

Former President Trump was spot on.

For what now seems like an eternity, those on the Far Left Democrat side of the Political Aisle have focused their attention on “radically changing” America.

They soon realized that they simply could not do it through popular culture and educational indoctrination, inundating America’s children with both overt and subliminal imaging designed to countermand the Traditional American Values that they were being raised with, in normal American Households, out here in “Flyover Country”, otherwise known as America’s Heartland…or “the Red States”.

Far Left Democrats soon figured out that the way to program Americans into believing that “all paths lead to God” and that cradle-to-grave Nanny-State Government were the new American Standards for living our daily lives, was to turn Christian American Houses of Worship away from being instructors of the Word of God and a sanctuary in which to worship Our Creator, to, instead, being purveyors of the joys of Popular Culture. Wednesday Night Bible Studies were soon replaced by Yoga Classes and Encounter Groups. Religious Leaders were soon quoting philosophy, instead of the Bible in their Sunday Morning Sermons.

And, instead of taking a stand against those things of the world which were directly opposed to what is found in God’s Word, these “new, enlightened” churches started standing up for the “right” of a woman to have her baby prematurely yanked out of her womb with a set of tongs, standing up for the right of Adam to “marry” Steve, when the Bible states that marriage is between a man and a woman, and standing up for the equality of all faiths, when the Son of God firmly states, in John 14:6, that
I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

America remains a nation whose population consists of a majority who proclaim Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior and who believe in God.

However, church attendance is way down.

Being filled with human beings, churches have made a lot of mistakes, However, they have also done a lot of good in the name of the Lord.

Churches today have to walk a fine line.

The spiritual battle, the influence of American Popular Culture and those seeking the Will of God in their lives, takes all the strength…and prayer that Christians can muster.

Far Left Democrats seem to have great difficulty comprehending the role that Our Creator, the God of Abraham, played and plays in this Grand Experiment, known as the United States of America.

Why have Democrats ratcheted up their anti-Christian vitriol and negativity since January 21, 2009?

Why are they so focused on removing America’s Christian Heritage?

Well, as is usually my wont, I have been doing some “reckoning” about this.

It seems to this ol’ Southern Boy, living here in the Heartland, that America’s Christian Heritage and the very real fact of His influence in building and shaping America’s growth into the greatest country on the face of God’s Green Earth, not only stifles and interferes with Modern Liberals’ “anything goes”, “share the wealth”, “hive-mind”, “man is his own god” Political Ideology, but the reality of God’s very existence, somewhere deep in their miserable, bitter psyches, scares the mess out of them.

Why else would they be trying so hard to fight against the influence of Someone Whom they really don’t believe in?

I see them every single day on the television, on the Internet, on Facebook Political Pages, posting stupid meme (a picture with words on it) after stupid meme, attempting to make fun of The Great I Am and those of us who have given our lives to Him.

They are so hateful and filled with such bitterness that it is difficult to engage them in “conversation”.

Perhaps, somewhere in their back of their minds, all of these Far Left Democrats realize that they are fighting a losing battle.

Christianity continues to thrive in America despite their best efforts.

For, as Justice Scalia stated so eloquently,
“God has been very good to us.”

However, if Christians do not stand up for themselves in the Political Theater, then they may soon have no rights whatsoever.

America was built upon a Solid Rock.

To ignore our nation’s faith-based foundation and heritage is to live in purposeful ignorance.

As President Ronald Reagan said,
“If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”

And, as Hebrews 13:8 tells us,
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Regardless of the political machinations of Far Left Democrats, God will have the final word as to our country’s future.

He always does.

Until He Comes,


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