Even a President is Judged by the Company He Keeps

“Former President Donald Trump called the mother of Rachel Morin, who was ruthlessly raped and murdered by an illegal migrant from El Salvador, on Thursday — with the grieving mom saying she was “deeply touched” by his “honest compassion.”

The condolences from the presumptive GOP nominee came after Patty Morin flammed President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security chief for referring to her daughter as an “individual” killed by a suspected gang member.

Trump talked at length with Patty about Rachel, a 37-year-old mother-of-five who was senselessly slaughtered last August while on a hiking trail in Harford County, Md.

“I am deeply touched by President Trump’s kindness and concern,” Patty said in a statement about the call.” (Courtesy nypost.com)

So, what is my point by posting the above quote?

This November, we will make a very important decision as to who will become the next president of the United States of America.

That decision will affect not only our present, but the future of our children, their children, and their children’s children.

You can view the difference in not only the two presidential candidates but their political parties by their strategy in campaigning during the upcoming election.

This strategy has a lot to do with what President Trump normally does without even thinking about it.

You will notice that it was former President Trump and not the current resident of the White House, “Bedpan” Joe Biden, who called that grieving mother.

That is because Joe Biden and the Democrat Elite care more about the residents of Hollywood and New York, the hoi polloi as they used to be called, and illegal immigrants than they do about average Americans.

That is why they are going to washed up actors and the far left leaders in order to try to raise money for Biden, who does not even know how to walk off a stage.

Former President Trump has always been a people person.

From the moment he came down that escalator to announce his candidacy in the 2016 Presidential Election, President Trump aimed his message at average Americans, instead of hobnobbing among the “Rich and Famous”.

President Trump speaks directly to his audience. He’s not does not speak in platitudes. He speaks in words that are clearly understood because he means everything that he says.

Trump cares about Americans and about this country.

Ronald Reagan, when he was running for president, would ask, “Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?”

If people were honest, they would answer that question “NO!” today.

We have runaway inflation and a wide open Southern Border, over which thugs and terrorists who want to rob, rape, and kill have entered our Sovereign Nation.

And, they are still pouring over that border, regardless of what the Democrat Elite and their minions in the Corporate Media tell us.

The Democrat Elite and Biden will say anything in order to try to convince Americans that they know what’s best for them.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of useful idiots out there who are listening to them.

However, I believe that there are more Americans who are not.

President Trump needs to be commended for calling that grieving family and spending time on the phone with them.

The thing is, this is not a one-time thing. He does this type of thing a lot.

I would rather have a president who cares  about America and average Americans than I would a president who cares more about other countries, those who live in a bubble like the hoi polloi, and those who hate our country.

Until He Comes,


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