Is Biden’s Decline Endangering America?

“Well, I think … you don’t have to be a physician anymore,” he began.

“There’s not little subtle clues, you know, that I’m picking up as a physician and somebody who was at the White House for 14 years and worked for three different presidents, and I’m picking up on some, you know, little issue that nobody else can see,” he said, emphasizing that “everyone knows what this is.”

“Everyone has had a relative that’s gone through this, and everyone you talk to is like, I know exactly what that is. I had an aunt and uncle, a grandparent that went through this process. You know, that’s Alzheimer’s. That’s dementia of some sort. That’s Parkinson’s. That’s multi-infarct dementia,” he said, asserting that Biden is dealing with some “serious cognitive issues related to his age, not allowing him to function.”

“He’s not fit to be president. He’s not fit to be commander-in-chief and head of state, and everybody can see it. You don’t have to be a doctor to see it, but, yeah, slurring his speech, you know, shuffling when he walks. He’s freezing up now. He’s all rigid, just freezing up. He doesn’t know where he’s at, what he’s doing. He turns around, he just walks off into oblivion,” Jackson said, explaining that “other world leaders are having to go over and capture him and bring him back into the fold.” – former White House doctor Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX)

“It’s embarrassing, right?” he added.


Yes, Doctor. It most certainly is.

The above video is not fake. It is not edited, trust me.

What you were witnessing above is an 81-year-old man who is in the twilight of his life.

As the doctor stated, he definitely has some form of dementia and his mobility is extremely limited bordering on being an invalid.

It’s bad that all the world leaders have been watching him slowly diminish. It has scared our allies and emboldened our enemies

There are presently Russian Naval Vessels in the port of Havana, 90 miles from the United States of America.

Meanwhile, we have the leader of Ukraine taking advantage of Biden by squeezing more and more of our money out of him because of Biden’s corrupt involvement with his brother, his son, and the Ukrainian Gas Company, Burisma.

All our money is doing is providing swimming pools for the Ukrainian Elite and ticking Putin off.

It’s almost as if Biden wants to lead us into World War III.

Back here in America, Bidenomics has worked great… if you’re living in Bizarro World.

Average Americans are paying $11,000 more per year just to live and eat.

However, if you listen to Biden, he’ll tell you that we’re doing great.

He’s adding more jobs every day.. unfortunately, they’re all going to illegals and part-timers.

More Americans over the age of 65 are working because they have to.

There’s no way possible to live on Social Security alone.

Oh, and here’s a secret they don’t want you to know:

If you make good money at your job and are collecting Social Security over the age of 65, they will tax your Social Security as well as your paycheck. It was a law passed in 1983.

Guess who voted “yes” on that law?

You guessed it, Sleepy Joe.

Joe Biden is not some kind, gentle Grandpa. He is a professional politician who hasn’t done squat in Washington in 50 years, who counted among his friends in the Senate, former KKK Grand Cyclops Robert Byrd (D-WV)

He wasn’t installed as president because he is some sort of brilliant strategist or skillful politician. He was installed as president because the Democrat Elite needed a puppet.

And, now that he is mentally impaired to the point of incontinence, he is physically impaired as well to where his handlers cannot hide his total impairment from the American people or the world leaders out there who are looking to take advantage of any sign of weakness in an American President.

That is why Putin is taking liberties by holding military exercises in the Caribbean and placing ships at the Port of Havana.

It is also why potential terrorists from all over the world are pouring over our Southern border.

“And you don’t believe that we’re on the Eve of Destruction.”

Vote this November 5th as if the lives of yourself and your family and friends depended on it.

Because they do.

God protect us.

Until He Comes,


2 thoughts on “Is Biden’s Decline Endangering America?

  1. Splint

    And we have Dr. Jill , along with Dominion Voting Systems, the press, and a court system willing to look the other way.

    Good to see you KJ….Been a while.



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