With Biden “Cognitively impaired”,Who is Actually Running the Country?

After the Special Counsel Report confirmed what the majority of Americans already knew, the question still arises: who is actually running the United States of America if Joe Biden is a ” cognitively impaired octogenarian with memory problems”?

From August of 2023…

“A new report from the Tablet online magazine alleges that former President Barack Obama is the power behind much of what happens in President Joe Biden’s White House, controlling key decisions through an army of Obama administration alumni.

The lengthy article, “The Obama Factor,” consists of a lengthy introduction by author David Samuels, followed by an interview with civil rights historian and Obama biographer David Garrow. The article covers a wide range of topics, including many areas that few journalists bothered to explore during his 2008 campaign and subsequent presidency, such as the fact that much of Obama’s first memoir, Dreams from my Father, was fiction; or that he had privately expressed having homosexual fantasies.

However, the most important portion for current political debates — made relevant by new reports that Obama had advised Biden on the dangers of a Trump candidacy in 2024 — is that Obama is the prime mover in his former vice president’s administration.” (Courtesy Breitbart.com)

Are you surprised by this?

You should not be.

Of course, Obama is Biden’s boss.

It’s his modus operandi.

In 2004, Illinois State Senator Barack Hussein Obama (mm mmm mmmm) decided to run for The United States Senate.

In order to have a successful Senatorial campaign, Obama had to secure tremendous financial backing and be the recipient of astute political mentoring. No problem.

It is now very well-known that George Soros, evil genius, major Democratic Party donor and anti-Israel crusader, has been a generous contributor to Barack Obama.

However, not too many people know that a loophole in McCain-Feingold allowed Soros and his family members to be extremely generous in their support of Obama’s 2004 Senatorial campaign.

Obama had to run against Blair Hull in the primary and then Jack Ryan in the general (both multi-millionaires). Obama received huge donations from individuals, to so-called “millionaires exception.”

Usually, individuals are limited to giving $2300 to candidates in federal elections, but if the candidates are running against millionaires, these limits do not apply and candidates are allowed to receive up to $12,000 from a single individual. Soros and his family gave Barack Obama $60,000.

This does not count the money that Soros was funneled to so-called 527 groups (Moveon.org, for example) that have also been politically active; nor does it include money that Soros raised from tapping a network of friends, business associates, and employees.

Besides garnering unlimited campaign funds, as the campaigns entered their closing rounds, the news ”happened to be” leaked to media outlets that both Hull and Ryan had “personal scandals” in their past. The timely release of this news wiped out both of their campaigns, leading to an easy victory for Obama in the primary and then in the general election.

The New York Times Magazine revealed that David Axelrod, Obama’s chief political and media adviser, may well have been behind the leak of the story that doomed the Hull candidacy as the primary reached its home stretch.

As he has shown over the years, Axelrod was right at home operating in this gray area, part idealist, part hired muscle. One can not bring up Axelrod’s name in certain circles in Chicago without the matter of the Blair Hull divorce papers coming up.

Approaching the 2004 Senate primary, it was clear that it was a two-man race: the millionaire liberal, Hull, leading in the polls, and Obama, who was the figurehead of an impressive grass-roots campaign. One month before the vote, The Chicago Tribune “just happened” to reveal, at the end of a long profile of Hull, that during a divorce proceeding, Hull’s second wife filed for an order of protection. This revelation proceeded to erupt into a full-fledged scandal. This scandal destroyed Hull’s campaign and handed Obama an easy primary victory.

The Tribune reporter who wrote the story later admitted in print that the Obama camp had “worked aggressively behind the scenes” to push the story. However, a lot of folks in Chicago believe that Axelrod leaked the initial story. They will tell you that before signing on with Obama, Axelrod interviewed with Hull. They also point out that Obama’s TV ad campaign just happened to start at almost the same time. Axelrod swears up and down that “we had nothing to do with it” and that the campaign’s television ad schedule was in the works for a long time.

Axlerod’s explanation?

“An aura grows up around you, and people assume everything emanates from you.”…especially when it is obvious that everything does.

Obama is addicted to POWER AND CONTROL.

That is why the former Petulant President Pantywaist set up his Command Headquarters for his “Shadow Government” just a few blocks away from the White House and even moved his “right-hand Iranian” Valerie Jarrett, into the house with him and “Mooch”.

As I wrote several years ago, it resembles a Tom Clancy Novel.

You have a Former Nazi Sympathizer, now a Billionaire “Philanthropist”, funding Far Left Causes. Add to that a disgruntled Former President, desperately trying to ensure that his mission to turn the Greatest Country on the Face of the Earth into a Third World Socialist Paradise is not derailed by the unexpected loss of his hand-picked predecessor to a “Citizen Statesman”.

Faced with the reality of a splintered Democratic Party, which has alienated its base by moving to the Extreme Far Left of the Political Spectrum, this Former President , while still in office, decided to spy on the one candidate who might actually have a chance to beat his own party’s lousy candidate in a fair Presidential Election, through the means of obtaining an order to wire tap his offices.

After that did not help and the Citizen Statesman became the President, the Former Petulant President Pantywaist, encouraged “rebellion”, as if the reality of a nation being torn asunder was some sort of “Star Wars” Movie, through the use of his “benefactor’s”(the Former Nazi Sympathizer) money in the funding of manufactured protests and a Media-Driven, Community -Organizing Assault, which includes the former President’s own “Organizing For America” Website.

Not unlike the Bolsheviks of the Russian Revolution, this “rebellion”, with their willing accomplices in the Main Stream Media, launched a massive assault, through the dissemination of propaganda, manufactured protests, and Fake News, in order to somehow diminish the sitting President, in the hopes of regaining their lost power and continuing their mission, inspired by Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky.

Unfortunately for them, they underestimated the power of the New Media and the resiliency of the average American, here in the Heartland, who stopped believing their lies some time ago.

They literally stole the Presidential Election of 2020 because all of their Machiavellian schemes could not overcome the success that was the Trump Presidency before COVID-19 was released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Now, with the political indictments against former President Trump that continue to be played out, the reality of Obama’s  Shadow Government is solidifying in the minds of average Americans and the resolve of both the former President and the average Americans who voted him into office in 2016, against all odds, is strengthening.

And, with the release of the Special Counsel Report, Americans are realizing that Trump has been right all along.

Until He Comes,


Giving Thanks to God Left Out of Biden’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

Like U.S. President’s before him, Joe Biden issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation this past week.

And, like his mentor, former President Barack Hussein Obama, he purposefully left off any mention of The One Whom we should be giving thanks to.

John M. Grondelski, writing for CatholicWorldReport.com, asks a very pertinent question and makes a keen observation.

“Why does the President’s political party adhere to an “inclusivity” that undemocratically wants Americans to divest themselves of their religious identity and heritage, as the price for admission to the public square (or at least the “right” Georgetown salons)? That this question needs to be asked of the second Catholic in the White House is concerning. That more Catholics are not asking it out loud is even more so.”

Of course, I have my own thoughts about Biden’s purposeful omission…

For what now seems like an eternity, those on the Far Left Democrat side of the Political Aisle have focused their attention on “radically changing” America.

They soon realized that they simply could not do it through popular culture and educational indoctrination, inundating America’s children with both overt and subliminal imaging designed to countermand the Traditional American Values that they were being raised with, in normal American Households, out here in “Flyover Country”, otherwise known as America’s Heartland…or “the Red States”.

Far Left Democrats soon figured out that the way to program Americans into believing that “all paths lead to God” and that cradle-to-grave Nanny-State Government were the new American Standards for living our daily lives, was to turn Christian American Houses of Worship away from being instructors of the Word of God and a sanctuary in which to worship Our Creator, to, instead, being purveyors of the joys of Popular Culture. Wednesday Night Bible Studies were soon replaced by Yoga Classes and Encounter Groups. Religious Leaders were soon quoting philosophy, instead of the Bible in their Sunday Morning Sermons.

And, instead of taking a stand against those things of the world which were directly opposed to what is found in God’s Word, these “new, enlightened” churches started standing up for the “right” of a woman to have her baby prematurely yanked out of her womb with a set of tongs, standing up for the right of Adam to “marry” Steve, when the Bible states that marriage is between a man and a woman, and standing up for the equality of all faiths, when the Son of God firmly states, in John 14:6, that
I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

America remains a nation whose population consists of a majority who proclaim Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior and who believe in God.

However, church attendance is way down.

Being filled with human beings, churches have made a lot of mistakes, However, they have also done a lot of good in the name of the Lord.

Churches today have to walk a fine line.

The spiritual battle, the influence of American Popular Culture and those seeking the Will of God in their lives, takes all the strength…and prayer that Christians can muster.

Far Left Democrats seem to have great difficulty comprehending the role that Our Creator, the God of Abraham, played and plays in this Grand Experiment, known as the United States of America.

Why have Democrats ratcheted up their anti-Christian vitriol and negativity since January 21, 2009?

Why are they so focused on removing America’s Christian Heritage?

Well, as is usually my wont, I have been doing some “reckoning” about this.

It seems to this ol’ Southern Boy, living here in the Heartland, that America’s Christian Heritage and the very real fact of His influence in building and shaping America’s growth into the greatest country on the face of God’s Green Earth, not only stifles and interferes with Modern Liberals’ “anything goes”, “share the wealth”, “hive-mind”, “man is his own god” Political Ideology, but the reality of God’s very existence, somewhere deep in their miserable, bitter psyches, scares the mess out of them.

Why else would they be trying so hard to fight against the influence of Someone Whom they really don’t believe in?

I see them every single day on the television, on the Internet, on Facebook Political Pages, posting stupid meme (a picture with words on it) after stupid meme, attempting to make fun of The Great I Am and those of us who have given our lives to Him.

They are so hateful and filled with such bitterness that it is difficult to engage them in “conversation”.

Perhaps, somewhere in their back of their minds, all of these Far Left Democrats realize that they are fighting a losing battle.

Christianity continues to thrive in America despite their best efforts.

For, as Justice Scalia stated so eloquently,
“God has been very good to us.”

America was built upon a Solid Rock.

To ignore our nation’s faith-based foundation and heritage is to live in purposeful ignorance.

As President Ronald Reagan said,
“If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”

And, as Hebrews 13:8 tells us,
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Regardless of the political machinations of Far LeftDemocrats, God will have the final word as to our country’s future.

He always does.

Until He Comes,


Biden Wanders Off Stage and Leaves During Medal of Honor Ceremony

Your eyes are not deceiving you.

The installed 46th President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, wandered down the aisle and left before the end of a Medel of Honor Ceremony.

Biden showed up wearing a mask to the event honoring 81-year old Army Captain Larry Taylor, saying that he was wearing it to prevent from exposing the room to the latest COVID-19 variant which his wife Jill is under quarantine for.

He did not have it on for long, as the above video clearly shows.

Does that tell you anything about the Democrats’ calling for Mask Mandates again?

But, I digress…

Fellow Americans, I am about to tell you Washington’s worst kept secret:

Biden has dementia and because of that, his handlers must make things as simple as possible in order to attempt to fool the public into thinking that Joe is capable of performing his Presidential Duties.

He is not.

Who is/are the puppet master(s) behind the living breathing dementia-riddled mannequin that is Joe Biden?

A lot of fun has been had at Biden’s expense over the fact that he is losing his war with dementia.

However, in terms of the safety of our country’s citizens and our nation’s continued existence, it is definitely not a laughing matter.

Any American who paid attention during the campaign soon figured out that Biden has some serious mental and physical health issues.

It was one thing to overlook his inappropriate behavior during the Obama Presidency when he was just the Vice-President, and Obama, Susan Rice, and Valerie Jarret were running the show, anyway.

Guess what?

They are still running the show!

I am certain that it has been difficult for them to cover for Biden’s compromised state.

They knew that he was a doddering old fool even before the 2020 Democratic Primaries.

However, when the time came for Biden to start appearing during the Democrat Primaries and then, the Presidential Campaign itself, it was quite obvious that “Lunch Bucket Joe” was shy a potato chip or two.

Now, the President of the United States of America reminds average Americans of their relatives who live in nursing homes whom they have not seen in a while because they cannot bear to witness them deteriorating like Biden is.

HIs wife, “Dr.” Jill Biden and the rest of his Handlers can try as hard as they can to hide his condition.Their minions in the Main Stream Media and the New Bolsheviks can continue to dutifully cover for them on Social Media

But, unfortunately for Liberals, Americans are aware that Joe is declining rapidly, both physically as well as mentally.

And, so are our enemies.

Biden is not mentally fit to finish this term, much less handle the duties of a President for 4 years after that.

Hopefully, more Americans will wake up and realize that before the Presidential Election of 2024.

Until He Comes.


Sunday Morning Thoughts: Obama is STILL Biden’s Boss!

“A new report from the Tablet online magazine alleges that former President Barack Obama is the power behind much of what happens in President Joe Biden’s White House, controlling key decisions through an army of Obama administration alumni.

The lengthy article, “The Obama Factor,” consists of a lengthy introduction by author David Samuels, followed by an interview with civil rights historian and Obama biographer David Garrow. The article covers a wide range of topics, including many areas that few journalists bothered to explore during his 2008 campaign and subsequent presidency, such as the fact that much of Obama’s first memoir, Dreams from my Father, was fiction; or that he had privately expressed having homosexual fantasies.

However, the most important portion for current political debates — made relevant by new reports that Obama had advised Biden on the dangers of a Trump candidacy in 2024 — is that Obama is the prime mover in his former vice president’s administration.” (Courtesy Breitbart.com)

Are you surprised by this?

You should not be.

Of course, Obama is Biden’s boss.

It’s his modus operandi.

In 2004, Illinois State Senator Barack Hussein Obama (mm mmm mmmm) decided to run for The United States Senate.

In order to have a successful Senatorial campaign, Obama had to secure tremendous financial backing and be the recipient of astute political mentoring. No problem.

It is now very well-known that George Soros, evil genius, major Democratic Party donor and anti-Israel crusader, has been a generous contributor to Barack Obama.

However, not too many people know that a loophole in McCain-Feingold allowed Soros and his family members to be extremely generous in their support of Obama’s 2004 Senatorial campaign.

Obama had to run against Blair Hull in the primary and then Jack Ryan in the general (both multi-millionaires). Obama received huge donations from individuals, to so-called “millionaires exception.”

Usually, individuals are limited to giving $2300 to candidates in federal elections, but if the candidates are running against millionaires, these limits do not apply and candidates are allowed to receive up to $12,000 from a single individual. Soros and his family gave Barack Obama $60,000.

This does not count the money that Soros was funneled to so-called 527 groups (Moveon.org, for example) that have also been politically active; nor does it include money that Soros raised from tapping a network of friends, business associates, and employees.

Besides garnering unlimited campaign funds, as the campaigns entered their closing rounds, the news ”happened to be” leaked to media outlets that both Hull and Ryan had “personal scandals” in their past. The timely release of this news wiped out both of their campaigns, leading to an easy victory for Obama in the primary and then in the general election.

The New York Times Magazine revealed that David Axelrod, Obama’s chief political and media adviser, may well have been behind the leak of the story that doomed the Hull candidacy as the primary reached its home stretch.

As he has shown over the years, Axelrod was right at home operating in this gray area, part idealist, part hired muscle. One can not bring up Axelrod’s name in certain circles in Chicago without the matter of the Blair Hull divorce papers coming up.

Approaching the 2004 Senate primary, it was clear that it was a two-man race: the millionaire liberal, Hull, leading in the polls, and Obama, who was the figurehead of an impressive grass-roots campaign. One month before the vote, The Chicago Tribune “just happened” to reveal, at the end of a long profile of Hull, that during a divorce proceeding, Hull’s second wife filed for an order of protection. This revelation proceeded to erupt into a full-fledged scandal. This scandal destroyed Hull’s campaign and handed Obama an easy primary victory.

The Tribune reporter who wrote the story later admitted in print that the Obama camp had “worked aggressively behind the scenes” to push the story. However, a lot of folks in Chicago believe that Axelrod leaked the initial story. They will tell you that before signing on with Obama, Axelrod interviewed with Hull. They also point out that Obama’s TV ad campaign just happened to start at almost the same time. Axelrod swears up and down that “we had nothing to do with it” and that the campaign’s television ad schedule was in the works for a long time.

Axlerod’s explanation?

“An aura grows up around you, and people assume everything emanates from you.”

Especially, when it is obvious that everything does.

Obama is addicted to POWER AND CONTROL.

That is why the former Petulant President Pantywaist set up his Command Headquarters for his “Shadow Government” just a few blocks away from the White House and even moved his “right-hand Iranian” Valerie Jarrett, into the house with him and “Mooch”.

As I wrote several years ago, it resembles a Tom Clancy Novel.

You have a Former Nazi Sympathizer, now a Billionaire “Philanthropist”, funding Far Left Causes. Add to that a disgruntled Former President, desperately trying to ensure that his mission to turn the Greatest Country on the Face of the Earth into a Third World Socialist Paradise is not derailed by the unexpected loss of his hand-picked predecessor to a “Citizen Statesman”.

Faced with the reality of a splintered Democratic Party, which has alienated its base by moving to the Extreme Far Left of the Political Spectrum, this Former President , while still in office, decided to spy on the one candidate who might actually have a chance to beat his own party’s lousy candidate in a fair Presidential Election, through the means of obtaining an order to wire tap his offices.

After that did not help and the Citizen Statesman became the President, the Former Petulant President Pantywaist, encouraged “rebellion”, as if the reality of a nation being torn asunder was some sort of “Star Wars” Movie, through the use of his “benefactor’s”(the Former Nazi Sympathizer) money in the funding of manufactured protests and a Media-Driven, Community -Organizing Assault, which includes the Former President’s own “Organizing For America” Website.

Not unlike the Bolsheviks of the Russian Revolution, this “rebellion”, with their willing accomplices in the Main Stream Media, launched a massive assault, through the dissemination of propaganda, manufactured protests, and Fake News, in order to somehow diminish the sitting President, in the hopes of regaining their lost power and continuing their mission, inspired by Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky.

Unfortunately for them, they underestimated the power of the New Media and the resiliency of the average American, here in the Heartland, who stopped believing their lies some time ago.

They literally stole the Presidential Election of 2020 because that could not overcome the succes that was the Trump Presidency before COVID-19 was released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

However now, with the political indictments against former President Trump that continue to come out, the reality of Obama’s Shadow Government is solidifying in the minds of average Americans and the resolve of both the former President and the average Americans who voted him into office in 2016, against all odds, is strengthening.

And, which each new unconstitutional indictmen, more and more Americans are realizing that Trump has been right all along.

Until He Comes,


Spy Balloon Latest Step in Chinese Infitration of America

“Reactions from politicians and pundits poured in Saturday afternoon following confirmation that the United States shot down a Chinese spy balloon after it hovered over the country for several days.

President Biden said Saturday that he gave the order to shoot down the balloon on Wednesday but his military advisers decided to wait due to concerns over injuring people on the ground.

“The Biden Administration owes the American people answers now,” Republican Rep. Andrew Garbarino, a Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, told Fox News Digital after the balloon was shot down.

“Not only was the Homeland Security Committee not informed of this CCP provocation before it broke on the news, but it has since come to light that officials were monitoring the balloon before it entered U.S. airspace and could have been shot down over the water before ever reaching our shores. This was the CCP testing their boundaries and President Biden failed in his response.”” (Courtesy FoxNews.com)

The fact of the matter is that China has been infiltrating our Sovereign Nation for quite a while.

USNews.com reported back on January 28, 2020 that

A Harvard University department chair and two Chinese nationals who were researchers at Boston University and a Boston hospital were charged on Tuesday with lying about their alleged links to the Chinese government.The charges are part of an aggressive effort by U.S. authorities to block what they say are Chinese attempts to steal American scientific and technological advances.

“This is a very carefully directed effort by the Chinese government to fill what it views as its own strategic gaps,” Andrew Lelling, U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, told a news conference.

Prosecutors charged Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard University’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, with lying about participating in China’s Thousand Talents Plan, which aims to attract research specialists working overseas.

Two Chinese researchers were charged with being agents of a foreign government.

Per their website, 1000plan.org, China initiated the Thousand Talents Plan at the end of 2008.

By 2017, China had recruited more than 7,000 professionals, per a bi-partisan Senate Sub-committee report titled “Threats to the U.S. Research Enterprise: China’s Talent Recruitment Plans” published in November of last year.

Okay. Why was this allowed in the first place?

And, why didn’t the Federal Government put a stop to it?

Who was the President in January of 2009?

Oh, wait…Now, I remember (with a little help from The Washington Post)

Obama became the first U.S. president to visit China during his first year in office. But his administration was taken aback by how completely the Chinese controlled all aspects of that visit.

“He wasn’t allowed to say much at all,” said Orville Schell, a longtime China scholar who was in China during the visit. “The Chinese kept him from meeting certain people, from taking questions or even radio broadcasts. He didn’t know quite how to respond. He didn’t want to be impolite. It took the U.S. a while to understand that this was the direction China and the relationship was headed.”

Some have blamed Obama for adopting such an overly optimistic and open stance during those early years. For all his outreach, current and former top U.S. diplomats say, Obama got little in return, except the feeling of being burned by Beijing.

Well, gosh.

Could it be that the 44th President of the United States of America’s naivete has led to the Chinese Communists’ infiltration of America’s Education System and Infrastructure?


But, wait, boys and girls…there’s more…

“China has stepped up its espionage activities against sensitive military facilities,” said Gordan Chang, author of “The Coming Collapse of China and The Great U.S.-China Tech War.” “This is clearly part of a pattern.”

Last summer, the Chinese company Fufeng Group, a food manufacturer, made headlines for purchasing 370 acres of land in Grand Forks, N.D., some 15 miles away from Grand Forks Air Force, a center for both air and space operations.

The Air Force this week denied Fufeng Group its building permits for a wet corn milling plant on the land, calling the project a “significant threat to national security.”

In Texas, meanwhile, a Chinese company owned by a former Chinese soldier with ties to the ruling Communist Party bought 130,000 acres near Laughlin Air Force Base, where pilots are trained.

Texas Republicans and Gov. Greg Abbott are seeking to ban Chinese citizens and businesses from buying property in the Lone Star State.” (Courtesy FoxNews.com)

Are you beginning to get the picture?

China has been engaged in clandestine operations for decades to bring down the United States of America by any means necessary.

They have infiltrated our colleges and universities while at the same time “stealing ” our brightest minds to help develop their own technology.

They are presently buying land around our military bases, while at the same time buying up our farmland.

And now, thanks to an installed President of the United States of America, whom they bought, along with his brother James and son Hunter, they can fly a Dirigible Drone from Alaska to South Carolina, directly overhead key Air Force Bases and Missile Installations, transmitting data directly back to Xi and the Chinese Government. 

When asked about the drone flying overhead, Biden told a reported that he would “take care of it”.

He did.

He made sure that it completed its mission before it was shot out of the sky.

As long as this “Manchurian President” remains in office, our sovereignty is in peril.

Until He Comes,


“Bergdahl” The Sequel: Biden Trades Terrorist For WNBA Player

“Some Pentagon officials expressed concern over the release of convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout. The Thursday prisoner swap for Brittney Griner left officials worried Bout may return to illegally trafficking weapons, fueling existing conflicts abroad.

Bout, nicknamed the “Merchant of Death,” was serving a 25-year prison sentence in the U.S. for conspiring to kill Americans, delivery of anti-aircraft missiles and aiding a terrorist organization.

“I think there is a concern that [he] would return to doing the same kind of work that he’s done in the past,” said one senior Defense Department official, who spoke anonymously.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that “our national security interest is not going to change” with Bout back in Russia.

“We’re going to make sure that we can defend this country against any and all threats,” Kirby said to CNN on Thursday. “And so, with Mr. Bout being back on the street, we’re going to stay focused on making sure we can defend this country.”

Sen. Bob Menendez, the Democratic chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the trade was far from equal.

“We cannot ignore that releasing Bout back into the world is a deeply disturbing decision,” he said in a statement Thursday. “We must stop inviting dictatorial and rogue regimes to use Americans overseas as bargaining chips, and we must try to do better at encouraging American citizens against traveling to places like Russia where they are primary targets for this type of unlawful detention.” (Courtesy Newsmax.com)

We should have expected a terrorist to be traded by Biden for an America-hating hostage.

For more than 200 years, the United States had a policy of not trading prisoners for American hostages. That policy was irreparably damaged, if not destroyed, in 2014 and, by doing so, Former President Barack Hussein Obama placed a target on the back of every single American – civilian and military alike.

He traded Deserter Private Bowe Bergdahl for 5 Muslim Terrorists.

Six brave American Soldiers lost their lives as a result of Bergdahl’s desertion, due to the search for him and due to mission plans having to be changed . Their names were

  • Staff Sgt. Clayton
  • Bowen Morris Walker
  • Staff Sgt. Kurt Curtiss
  • 2nd Lt. Darryn Andrews
  • Matthew Michael Martinek
  • Staff Sgt. Michael Murphrey

These men served with distinction.

Bergdahl did not.

Brittney Griner did not desert from our Armed Forces.

She was just stupid enough to be vaping THC in a country with strict anti-drug laws.

So now, after Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, in which 13 American soldiers lost their lives because of poor Foreign Policy Decisions by Biden and his Administration, Biden once again sacrifices America’s Safety as a Sovereign Nation to appease the Far Left…

…and leaves Americans behind in the hand of our enemy.

Biden needs to be impeached.

Until He Comes,


Americans Fight Back: SCOTUS Ends Roe Vs Wade

It’s a beautiful Saturday morning in America.

In a ruling that shook the Democrat Elite right to their rotten cores, the Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled 6- 3 to abolish Roe Vs. Wade and to send all decisions over the “right” to abortion back to the states and the American Voters, where it belongs.

What did the Liberals expect when they began to legalize late term abortions up to the day of birth by passing laws such as the horrendous one signed by Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo?

Gentle readers, now more than ever, our Sovereign Nation has become a battleground in the struggle of Good vs. Evil.

If the fight over our nation’s sovereignty has not convinced you of that fact, than the political fights over the right to end a human life while it is still in its mother’s womb should.

The psychopathic reaction of the Far Left Democrats should not surprise anyone.

In March, 2008, during a Townhall Meeting in Western Pennsylvania, Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Hussein Obama (mm mmm mmmm) said,

Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information.

Of course, Barack Hussein Obama was elected President of the United States. While he was “radically changing” everything about our sacred land, blood was being spilled across the fruited plains. Especially, in that same state of Pennsylvania:

On February 18, 2010, the FBI raided the “Women’s Medical Society,” run by Dr. Kermit Gosnell, a butcher, euphemistically killing babies under the title of “Abortion Doctor”.

The FBI entered the office about 8:30 p.m. expecting to find to find evidence that it was illegally selling prescription drugs. What they found was America’s Auschwitz:

There was blood on the floor. A stench of urine filled the air. A flea-infested cat was wandering through the facility, and there were cat feces on the stairs. Semi-conscious women scheduled for abortions were moaning in the waiting room or the recovery room, where they sat on dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets. All the women had been sedated by unlicensed staff. They also found out that a patient had died there several months earlier.

Until 2009, Gosnell reportedly performed mostly first and second trimester abortions. But his clinic had come to develop a bad reputation, and could attract only women who couldn’t get an abortion elsewhere, former employees have said. “Steven Massof estimated that in 40 percent of the second-trimester abortions performed by Gosnell, the fetuses were beyond 24 weeks gestational age,” the grand jury states. “Latosha Lewis testified that Gosnell performed procedures over 24 weeks ‘too much to count,’ and ones up to 26 weeks ‘very often.’ …in the last few years, she testified, Gosnell increasingly saw out-of-state referrals, which were all second-trimester, or beyond. By these estimates, Gosnell performed at least four or five illegal abortions every week.”

On January 22, 2013, Obama said,

On the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we reaffirm its historic commitment to protect the health and reproductive freedom of women across this country and stand by its guiding principle: that government should not intrude on our most private family matters, and women should be able to make their own choices about their bodies and their health care.

The Liberal mind is fascinating. Sick and twisted…but, fascinating. On the one hand, Obama was saying that children are to be cherished and protected. I agree.

At the same time, just like Speaker Pelosi did a while back, when she proclaimed that banning abortions would be “un-Christian”, Obama stood by a woman’s right to kill her baby.

I can hear the Liberals screeching right now.

That’s not a baby. It’s a fetus! It’s not the same thing! You chauvinist pig!

(Fetus is Latin for BABY)

If cherishing God’s gift of life makes me a “chauvinist pig”, you’re darned skippy I am! Yay, pigs! Sooey! That’s not a puppy growing in there, y’all.

The blatant hypocrisy that was shown by Obama, his loyal minions in Congress, and the MSM, the Liberal pundits on TV and Radio, and ignorant “seminar” callers and posters on Conservative websites, in defense of “their rights “not to be punished with a baby” and their resounding silence regarding the American Auschwitz known as the Gosnell Case, the fact that Liberals are having a National Temper Tantrum overthe fact that Conservatives dared to stand up to them on the side of life as they attempted to move toward killing babies both inside and outside of the womb is reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s…and positively chilling.

Remember a while back, when MSNBC Host, and resident Communist, Melissa Harris-Perry proclaimed,

…we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities. Once it’s everybody’s responsibility, and not just the household’s, then we start making better investments. (?)

Evidently, for Modern American Liberals, that only applies when the child is no longer a “punishment”.

In the case of “Unlimited Abortion On Demand”, I believe that the overwhelming majority of average Americans recognized the obvious long before yesterday’s Supreme Court Ruling.

As President Ronald Reagan observed, all those decades ago,

I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.

And that includes all the Molech worshippers in the Far Left Democratic Party…including their Propaganda Arm, the Main Stream Media, their minions and bots on Social Media, and all of the professional politicians representing them on Capitol Hill.

In his Third Law of Motion, Sir Isaac Newton wrote that

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

A national conversation started, leading to the passage of State “Heartbeat Laws”, designed to try to control the Democrats’ wanton savagery.

Those laws which were passed on the state level, like the Mississippi Law which led to yesterday’s ruling, were the reaction to an out-of-control callous political ideology which seeks to treat human life as a disposable inconvenience.

Yesterday, the Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled that was no such thing as a Constitutional Right to an abortion.

And, that’s a good thing…for the sake of the unborn…and the future of our Sovereign Nation.

Until He Comes,


What is the CEFC and What Does It Have to Do With Biden’s Visit to China?

I was listening to Fox News while driving home last night from work and and I heard that Biden has left on a visit to China and other Asian countries, including North Korea.

I am sure that Xi will be delighted to see his “old friend”.


FoxNews.com reported on October 16th, 2020 that

One of the people on an explosive email thread allegedly involving Hunter Biden has corroborated the veracity of the messages, which appear to outline a payout for former Vice President Joe Biden as part of a deal with a Chinese energy firm.

One email, dated May 13, 2017, and obtained by Fox News, includes a discussion of “remuneration packages” for six people in a business deal with a Chinese energy firm. The email appeared to identify Hunter Biden as “Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC,” in an apparent reference to now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co.

The email includes a note that “Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate.” A proposed equity split references “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?” with no further details. Fox News spoke to one of the people who was copied on the email, who confirmed its authenticity.

Sources told Fox News that “the big guy” is a reference to the former vice president. The New York Post initially published the emails and other controversial messages that Fox News has also obtained.

Hunter Biden was the point of the spear in a Foreign Policy scandal which is just a small part of what will go down as the most corrupt Presidential Administration in history, making the Warren G. Harding Teapot Dome Scandal pale in comparison.

All of this boggles the mind. Think about it:

The Clinton Foundation Pay-for-Play

The Bidens’ misuse of the power of the Vice-President for personal gain

President Barack Hussein Obama’s $150 billion bribe of the murderous Mullahs of Iran which included hosting Radical Islamists like the late (Thank God) Gen. Quassem Soleimani at the White House

The trading of Muslim Terrorists for the traitorous Bowe Bergdahl

And, of course “Spygate”, the Steele Dossier, and the unmasking of Gen. Flynn

The entire attack on Former President Trump, which lasted his entire first term, the Special Counsel’s “Russian Collusion” investigation, and the hurried Democratic Sham Impeachment were all part of a strategy to cover up the out-of-control corruption, both foreign and domestic, which took place during the Obama Administration with the knowledge and consent of President Barack Hussein Obama, himself.

That would certainly explain the Democrats’ over-the-top reaction to losing the 2016 Presidential Election and their vicious rhetoric and unconstitutional political actions and schemes since.

Former President Trump was right all along.

Just let this soak in, boys and girls…

We have a President of the United States of America who is owned by Communist China!!!

If the rest of the dots can be connected in the case of Hunter Biden’s and his father’s history of corruption and the Obama White House and their Foreign Policy, it could be absolutely huge.

If our Sovereign Nation is to survive, this out-of-control political corruption, perpetrated on behalf of a Shadow Government by Deep State Operatives, must be dealt with and those responsible brought to justice.

No matter to whom the trail of corruption leads.

By the way, where IS Hunter Biden?

Until He Comes,

Biden, Harris, Buttigeig, and Other Prominent Democrats Defended Smollett When He Told About His Fictitious “Attack” Calling It a “Modern Day Lynch Mob”

Biden and Kamala

FoxNews.com reports that

Empire actor Jussie Smollett was found guilty on five charges of staging a hate crime and lying to police on Thursday raising questions whether or not several high-profile political figures would offer apologies or attempt to clarify their public defense of his innocence.

“What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country,” President Joe Biden, tweeted in January of 2019 when he was mulling a presidential run, “We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie.”

Vice-President Kamala Harris also believed Smollet’s story and posted about it on Twitter calling the alleged attack an attempted “modern day lynching.”

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, a Democrat who ran for president, also referred to the alleged attack as an attempted “modern day lynching.”

“The vicious attack on actor Jussie Smollett was an attempted modern-day lynching. I’m glad he’s safe,” Booker tweeted. “To those in Congress who don’t feel the urgency to pass our Anti-Lynching bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime– I urge you to pay attention.”

Reverend Al Sharpton claimed that the “guilty must face the maximum” for the alleged crime committed against Smollet.

Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg took Smollet’s side as well and used the incident to push for hate crime legislation.

“While the struggle for basic hate crime legislation continues here in Indiana, this horrible attack calls all Americans to stand against hatred and violence in all its forms,” the former South Bend, Indiana mayor tweeted.

“Let’s call it what it is: A vicious hate crime,” former DNC Chair Tom Perez tweeted. “My heart goes out to Jussie’s family — all of us at the DNC are praying for his full recovery.”

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California called the alleged attack “vile” and “tragic.”

“What happened to Jussie Smollett is vile and tragic; thankfully, he will recover,” Swalwell tweeted. “But hate crimes like this are happening more frequently, egged on by careless hate-filled rhetoric. We start reducing these crimes by rejecting the speech – neither can ever be accepted as normal.”

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, and many other prominent Democrats also chimed in with support for Smollett.

Fox News Digital reached out to several of the individuals from this report regarding a possible apology or retraction and did not immediately receive a response.

After a contentious week of witness testimony, counsel arguments and deliberation, the jury found Smollett guilty on the first five counts and he was acquitted on a sixth count, of lying to a detective in mid-February, weeks after Smollett claimed he was attacked by Trump supporters in a hate crime.

The jury found the 39-year-old guilty on five counts of disorderly conduct — for each separate time he was charged with lying to police in the days immediately after the alleged attack.

Outside court, special prosecutor Dan Webb called the verdict “a resounding message by the jury that Mr. Smollett did exactly what we said he did.”

Smollett “wreaked havoc here in the city for weeks on end for no reason whatsoever,” then compounded the problem by lying under oath to the jury, Webb said.

Why were Democrats so Hell-bent on believing and spreading lies while attempting to split our nation apart at the seam?

The answer is that they were continuing the Obama Rhetorical Weapons of Class Envy and Racial Division.

The Far Left members of the Democratic Party, at the time (and even today) had no wish to end their national temper tantrum which began on the night of November 8, 2016.

At the time of “the attack”, President Donald J. Trump was fulfilling all of his campaign promises which he had made to the American People, thereby ensuring his re-election.

No weapon which had been conceived of by those in the Halls of Power in DC, the Northeast Corridor, and the Left Coast had, so far, been able to end his presidency.

And, at that time, with the House and Senate Committees having concluded that there was absolutely no proof of Russian Collusion by President Trump and word through the grapevine that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will follow suit, Democrats were more desperate than ever to find something…ANYTHING by which to bring down our 45th President.

Which explains Congressman “Little” Adam Schitt…err…Schiff’s vow back then to continue with his House Committee’s “investigations”, even if Mueller reports that he has nothing.

But, it was not just acceptance of the lies themselves that remains so troubling.

It was the perpetuation of them by the Propaganda Arms of the Democrats, the Main Stream Media, and the Entertainment Industry.

I guarantee you, gentle readers, that these clowns will continue to defend Jussie Smollett, even after he goes to jail for lying his arse off.

They will simply continue to falsely and heinously declare that Trump is still “Hitler” and that Smollett was well-intentioned and that even though the charges against Trump Supporters were false…they were “true” in spirit.

The Democratic Party has swung so far to the left of the Political Spectrum that they have fallen off the edge of reality.

And historically, when followers of a political ideology start believing their own propaganda, based on misconceptions and false judgment, instead of reality, both Marxism and fascism occur.

We have a political party proclaiming immorality as morality, evil as good, intolerance as tolerance, Marxism as “sharing the wealth”, and lies as truth.

What began as a firecracker during the Obama Administration has turned into a political mushroom cloud.

We must continue to fight back against those who would “radically change” our Sovereign Nation in to something that it was never meant to be.

We must “Make America Great Again”.

Until He Comes,





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Biden Agrees to Take a Reporter’s Question Even Though He is “Not Supposed to”, Reporter Starts to Ask About Afghanistan, Biden Walks Away


FoxNews.com reports that

President Biden blew off a question about Afghanistan after offering to take questions at the Federal Emergency Management Agency headquarters in Washington on Sunday.

Biden was at FEMA to address the response to Hurricane Ida, which strengthened to a Category 4 before making landfall in Louisiana earlier Sunday.

“I’m not supposed to take any questions but go ahead,” Biden told Bloomberg News reporter Jennifer Jacobs.

Jacobs began, “Mr. President, on Afghanistan—”

“I’m not gonna answer on Afghanistan now,” Biden interjected before walking away from the podium.

The Republican National Committee slammed the exchange, which came three days after ISIS-K terrorists attacked the airport in Kabul, killing 13 U.S. service members and more than 170 Afghans.

Biden has faced widespread criticism over his execution of the U.S. military withdrawal in Afghanistan and his actions during and after the collapse of Kabul, which completed the Taliban’s retaking of the country 20 years after their ouster by U.S.-led forces. The president has repeatedly defended his plan while hundreds of U.S. citizens and tens of thousands of Afghan allies and Afghans vulnerable to Taliban reprisal remain stranded in the country.

Just last month, Biden assured Americans that a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was not likely and that he trusted “the capacity of the Afghan military.” The president largely avoided cameras during the Aug. 15 collapse of Kabul, watching it unfold from the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland.

Three days after the Kabul collapse, Biden was fiercely criticized after he gave public remarks about COVID-19 and failed to address the crisis in Afghanistan or take any questions. On Tuesday, his remarks from the White House were delayed more than four hours after being rescheduled twice, and the U.S. evacuation effort in Afghanistan was the last topic he addressed after touting his Build Back Better agenda.

“I’m not supposed to take any questions…”

Again with the “I’m not supposed to…”

You are the President of the United States of America! You can answer any question that you want to…or that you are able to.

Biden did not answer the reporter’s question because he was not mentally able to.

Who is/are the puppet master(s) behind the living breathing dementia-riddled mannequin that is Joe Biden?

A lot of fun has been had at Biden’s expense over the fact that he is losing his war with dementia.

However, in terms of the safety of our country’s citizens and our nation’s continued existence, it is definitely not a laughing matter.

Any American who paid attention during the campaign soon figured out that Biden has some serious mental and physical health issues.

It was one thing to over look his inappropriate behavior during the Obama Presidency when he was just the Vice-President and Obama, Susan Rice, and Valerie Jarret were running the show, anyway.

Guess what?

They are still running the show!

I am certain that it has been difficult for them to cover for Biden’s compromised state.

They knew that he was a doddering old fool even before the Democratic Primaries.

However, when the time came for Biden to start appearing during the Democrat Primaries and then, the Presidential Campaign itself, it was quite obvious that “Lunch Bucket Joe” was shy a potato chip or two.

Now, the President of the United States of America reminds average Americans of their relatives who live in nursing homes whom they have not seen in a while because they cannot bear to witness them deteriorating like Biden is.

HIs wife, “Dr.” Jill Biden and the rest of his Handlers can try as hard as they can to hide his condition.

Unfortunately, as we have noticed, Joe is declining physically as well as mentally.

Vice-President Kamala Harris and the Democrat Elites know that Joe’s time in the Oval Office is limited.

That is why she has been distancing herself from him by taking trips.

Even she knows that Biden is responsible for the situation in Afghanistan brought about by his pulling our troops out and closing up Bagram before he got the American Civilians and our allies out.

Joe Biden is a perfect example of the “Peter Principle”, a book published decades ago, which posited the theory that people rise in their professional endeavors to their level of incompetence.

The problem with having the Dummy From Delaware sitting in the Oval Office is that he is not paying the price for his incompetence.

We are.

Until He Comes,




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