The Presidential Debate: Sunlight Truly is the Best Disinfectant

Last night, the entire world witnessed what average Americans have known since before the Democrats installed Joe Biden as President of the United States.

Joe Biden is unfit for office.

We have all had friends and relatives who have diminished in their later years.

Whether it be dementia, Alzheimer’s, or just the infirmities of old age.

Time waits for no man. It certainly has not for Joe biden.

Joe Biden was never the cream of the crop when he was young man. He was 8th from the bottom of his Law School class.

Biden has a record of mediocrity and changing political positions from speaking at the funeral of Robert Byrd, former Clans member and U.S. Senator, to claiming that “you ain’t black” if you don’t vote for him.

Of course, he also called Barack Obama “clean and articulate” for a black man.

Biden sold out our country along with his son and brother to our enemies, and now we are continuing to pay money to Ukraine supposedly to fund their war against Russia.

A lot of us think that this is just an extension of blackmail for Joe concerning his son’s position with the energy company in Ukraine that he was not qualified for.

But, I digress.

Last night proved what aconservatives have been saying all along.

The Democrats installed Joe Biden as president because he has diminished faculties and is easily controlled like a marionette.

Biden has been the third presidency of Barack Hussein Obama and his Cadre of Far Left Ideologues.

Now, after the disaster that was last night’s performance, the Democrat Elite are in a panic because they know that they can not replace him with Kamala Harris.

She gives stupid people a bad name.

It’s going to be an interesting several months.

Until He Comes,


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