Trump on Iran’s Attack on Israel: “This Would Not Happen” If He Were President… He’s Right!

“Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump reminded Pennsylvania voters – as missiles and 100s of drones were launched by Iran and their terrorist proxies – Israel would not have been attacked by Hamas nor Iran if he had remained in the White House after the 2020 presidential election.

“Before going any further, I want to say God bless the people of Israel,” Trump told his Schnecksville, Pennsylvania, campaign rally, which aired only in part on Newsmax and the online Newsmax2 streaming platform in part because of ongoing live coverage of Iran’s missile strikes targeting Israel. “They’re under attack right now. That’s because we show great weakness.

“This would not happen – the weakness that we’ve shown, it’s unbelievable – and it would not have happened if we were in office. You know that; they know that; everybody knows that.” (Courtesy

He’s right.

Why are we on the cusp of World War III?

It is because our enemies do not respect Biden the way that they did President Trump.

How could they?

They have watched the videos of his campaign and his appearances then and now, as President.

They see how frail and impaired he is.

Their intelligence agencies have, no doubt, uncovered information about this whole charade, known as the Biden Presidency, which his Handlers and the Democrat Elite keep desperately trying to keep hidden from the American people.

The war in Ukraine is an example of the effects of Biden’s weakness. The whole scenario is the result of the weakness of an “installed” American President.

Russia’s Vladimir Putin recognized that Joe Biden was going to be a pushover as President from the moment that the Democrats decided to make him their Presidential Candidate. He and his advisers recognized that Biden was nothing but a demented old fool with no backbone at all and none of the grit and determination that President Trump possessed.

That assessment was proven to be spot on, as Biden and his administration staged the worst military withdrawal from a country ever witnessed in American history, leading to the death of American Servicemen and women and the stranding of Americans and our allies in an Islamic Terrorist Country.

As regards the Ukraine/Russia Conflict, Biden is doing nothing but continue to issue empty threats and “sanctions” at Putin, who is probably laughing his butt off…because he knows that Biden is throwing money at the problem, instead of giving Ukraine the weapons they need to win.

And now, with Biden vacillating back and forth between listening to the Far Left Democrats who want him to support Hamas and make Israel enter a ceasefire and those who insist he must continue to support Israel and allow them to wipe Hamas off the face of the Earth, the Mad Mullahs of Iran have attempted to wipe Israel off the map.

If average people around the world have learned anything from Biden’s Presidency, it is the fact that Biden’s weakness invites conflict and oppression.

President Ronald Reagan famously said,

“When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.”

There is no way that Joe Biden will ever gain the respect of our Sovereign Nation’s enemies.

We are so screwed.

Until He Comes,


Who is the “Threat to Democracy? It’s NOT Trump!

The latest campaign strategy for Biden and Harris is to go on to talk shows and give speeches concerning how Trump is a “threat to Democracy” The past 4 years prove that that is a complete and total lie. This Presidential Administration will go down as the worst in American history.

Donald J Trump has been a threat to the Washington Status Quo and the New Aristocracy ever since he came down that escalator to announce he was running for president the first time.

Those who want to control us from cradled grave will do everything they can in order to stop him from becoming president again. If we want America to remain a free Constitutional Republic, we must elect Donald J Trump as President of the United States of America again.

Until He Comes,


While Unvetted Foreigners Invade Our Southern Border, Biden Bombs Sand

Americans woke up yesterday morning to the news that in a delayed so-called retaliation to three American soldiers being killed by Iranian proxies, Biden and his administration watched missiles at over 85 targets in Iraq and Syria which were supposedly of some importance to the Iranians.

Word has not come out whether they actually hit anything or if they bombed an SUV full of civilians like they have before.

The world is looking for leadership from America and Biden is offering inaccuracy and feckless behavior reminiscent of Barney Fife attempting to stand up to a bully.

The difference is Barney Fife only had one bullet, and Biden has the power of the Armed Forces behind him.

However, he’s too much of a coward and a wuss to use them properly, like his predecessor, former president Donald J Trump, did.

Does he and his handlers and the other members of his administration actually think that Iran and the Radical Islamic Terrorists who do their dirty work for them are intimidated by what they did yesterday?

Are you kidding me?

It’s like asking Americans if they believe that Bidenomics is working and that Biden has our Southern Border under control.

The answer to both is no.

From the moment he was inaugurated, Biden has undone every program put in place by Trump that made our enemies think twice about attacking us, throwing wide open our Southern border, allowing the amount of those who would do us harm in our country to multiply exponentially.

It’s like when somebody gets on top of a building who says I want to jump and actually does it.

Biden and the Democrat Elite who handle him seem to actually want our country to be destroyed from within in order to radically change it into a third world Marxist Nation where the government controls every person’s life from cradle to grave.

Our own Republican party acts more like a bunch of Democrats most of the time, which is why they’re called the “Uniparty.”

Why more Republicans in Washington have not spoken out against Biden during his tenure boggles the mind.

Average Americans are not doing well.

In fact, most of us are working paycheck to paycheck and have exhausted our savings and our credit limits.

Americans do not feel safe under this Administration, nor do they feel like Biden and his cohorts actually give a rat’s rear about what happens to us.

In fact, a lot of Americans feel as if we might be on the brink of a radical terrorist attack on our own soil reminiscent of the awful morning of September 11th, 2001.

The Democrat Elite, their puppet Biden, and the Vichy Republicans need to follow the example of former President Donald J Trump, gain some testicular fortitude, and take care of business or The Shining City on a Hill will turn into a Third-world Barrio.

Until He Comes,


Iranian-Funded HAMAS Terrorists Attack Israel… Why Now?

“12 Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” (Genesis 12: 1-3)

“Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists invaded areas of southern Israel as rocket barrages launched from the Gaza Strip struck the area Saturday, killing at least 200 Israelis and wounding at least 985 others, according to The Associated Press.

A senior Hamas military commander, Mohammad Deif, announced the start of the operation, calling on Palestinians everywhere to attack the Israelis, saying in a broadcast on Hamas media that the group launched thousands of rockets and calling the attack “the day of the greatest battle to end the last occupation on earth.” (Courtesy

As I sit here writing this, the number of dead Israelis has risen to over 300.

“This is exactly why so many Americans & Israelis were DISGUSTED to see [President Biden] give the Iranian regime $6 billion last month,” Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., said on X. “Every dollar given to Iran funds terrorism in the Ayatollah’s quest to destroy Israel. Iran is behind today’s invasion & everyone must say that.” (Courtesy

Ever since my collegiate days, from 1976-1980, when I was a Radio News Director, I have watched with stunned incredulity, as the American Liberal Political Ideology and its adherents, have vocally castigated the country of Israel for defending themselves against violent factions of nomadic tribes, who wish for nothing else than their annihilation of both the country of Israel and their citizenry.

The irony of their naiveté, is the fact that, in the 1960’s, American Liberals were among some of Israel’s strongest supporters. However, as of this writing, they continue to blatantly back the Palestinians and the Terrorist Organization known as Hamas.

Opposing God’s Chosen People and supporting the historically nomadic people that call themselves “Palestinians” fits with Modern Liberals’ Political Ideology, which views modern political struggles as “Class Warfare”, being waged between race and ethnic groups. Liberals believe that the predominantly white West is somehow subjugating the non-white rest of the world. This viewpoint is an extension of the class-based, rich versus poor, categories, which they intentionally classify people in, since the Presidency of their fallen messiah, Former President Barack Hussein Obama (mm mmm mmmm).

For years now, I have referred to the intolerant political ideology of Modern American Liberals as “The New Fascism” because of their intolerance toward traditional Americans Faith and Values, including our relationship with our closest ally, since their birth as a country in 1948.

What we are seeing now, as regards the anti-Semitism in the Democratic Party, which began under Former President Barack Hussein Obama, is a result of an amalgamation of the political philosophies of the special interest groups who have replaced average Americans as the Democrats’ Voting Base.

Anti-Semitism is the norm in Marxism in all of its forms, fascism, and, of course, Islam.

All of these political philosophies are the anti-thesis of who the Far Left Democrats claim to be.

The Biden Administration is, of course, taking no responsibility for the Iranian-funded attack by the Radical Islamic Terrorists of HAMAS even after giving the Iranians their six billion dollars back.

They say there’s no way that the Iranians could get a hold of it with permission.

Money is fungible.

It is easily moved around and is interchangeable.

The Biden Administration and the Far Left Democrat Elites’ Anti-Semitism and naiveté regarding the mindset of the Mad Mullahs of Iran and their support of Islamic Terrorist Organizations like HAMAS made Saturday’s attack on Israel possible.

And, that’s unforgivable.

Until He Comes,


Hamas Attacks Israel on the 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War… Is Iran Involved?

Today, Israelites have woke up to their peaceful observance of Shabbat, their traditional Jewish day of rest and worship by a massive deadly surprise attack by Radical Muslims on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kipper war.

“Hamas has launched the biggest attack on Israel in years, killing at least 100 (updated) Israelis and wounding hundreds more with a barrage of rockets as gunfights are reported in Sderot and other cities in southern Israel.” (Courtesy

Who is HAMAS?

“HAMAS (an acronym for Harakat al-Muqawamat al-Islamiyya, which is Arabic for “Islamic Resistance Movement”) is an Islamic fundamentalist group founded on December 14, 1987. As a single Arabic word rather than an acronym, “Hamas” means “zeal.” The organization’s founders were seven leading members of the Muslim Brotherhood: Ahmed Yassin, Abdel Aziz Rantisi, Ibrahim al-Yazuri, Sheikh Salih Shihada, ‘Isa al-Našhar, Muhammad Shama’a, and ‘Abd al-Fattah Dukhan. Hamas, in a sense, grew out of a 1985-86 Brotherhood movement — in which Ahmed Yassin was involved — that resolved to pursue its goal of degrading and ultimately destroying Israel by means of civil disturbance. The movement went by various names such as The Armed Struggle Movement, The Steadfast on the Land of al-Isra’, and The Islamic Resistance Movement. Ultimately, Yassin blended a group he had founded in 1973 — the Islamic Organization — into this Brotherhood movement, and settled on the name Hamas. The organization gained great popular support Gaza due to commitment to “raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine.”

…Over the years, Hamas’ funding has derived from a variety of sources. Today it is supported primarily by donations from Iran…(Courtesy

Recently, the Biden administration reached a dangerous deal with Iran to release five American hostages in exchange for five Iranians held in U.S. jails and at least $6 billion of Iranian assets frozen in South Korea.

Israel has been America’s greatest allies since before their birth as a country in 1948.

Biden and the Democrat Elite want somehow to force Israel to give half of their land to the “Palestinians”, reducing the size of their country back to the size it was before the 1967 war.

Biden and the Democrat Elite are hell-bent on appeasing the Radical Muslims of Iran and Hamas in the same manner in which they appeased the Taliban in Afghanistan, leading to the shameful pullout of our troops from that country, now a haven for Islamic Terrorists.

If the Biden Administration is allowed to continue to finance the “Palestinians”, governed by Radical Islamic Terrorists, they will be putting a gun in the mouth of Lady Liberty and opening the door for an even bigger foreign policy embarrassment than Afghanistan.

Biden is already seen by World Leaders as a weak, vacillating, demented old fool.

Our enemies around the world are licking their chops while waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack us.

Biden and his clueless Foreign Policy Team continue to embrace our enemies while alienating our allies.

For Biden, his handlers, and the Democrat Elite to follow the path of certain destruction which they are referring to as their “Middle Eastern Policy”, is a strategy of self-annihilation not seen since the Japanese Kamikazes descended from the skies above the Pacific Ocean in World War II

Just like his pursuit of a Nuclear Bomb Deal with the Mad Mullahs of Iran, Biden and his Co-conspirators are not only sowing the seeds of their own destruction…they are placing America and the rest of the Free World in danger as well.

I don’t care whether you are a Republican or a Democrat…what is happening in Israel this morning should scare the wits out of you.

Until He Comes,


Biden’s National Security Adviors Says that Negotiations to Get Iran Back Into Obama’s “Nuclear Deal” “Are Not Going Well”…Good!

Biden Iran Deal

…As I have said many times, the Iran Deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into.

…What is the purpose of a deal that, at best, only delays Iran’s nuclear capability for a short period of time? 

…The saddest part of the deal for the United States is that all of the money was paid up front, which is unheard of, rather than at the end of the deal when they have shown they’ve played by the rules. – President Donald J. Trump, 10/13/2017 reports that

Jake Sullivan, the White House national security adviser, said on Friday that efforts to get Iran to revisit the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), suspended under the Trump administration in 2018, are ”not going well,” according to Fox News.

”We do not yet have a pathway back into the JCPOA,” Sullivan said regarding the 2015 Iran nuclear deal at an event hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations. He added that ”some progress” was made over the last few days.

The White House has made it a top priority to bring Iran back to the negotiating table and reenter the nuclear deal since President Joe Biden took office on Jan. 20.

”Since we walked away from a deal that had fundamentally put a lid on Iran’s nuclear program, they have raced that program forward,” Sullivan told the council. ”Getting that program back into a box through a return to mutual compliance with the JCPOA has proven more difficult through the course of this year than we would have liked to see.”

Bagheri Kani, the chief Iranian diplomat on trade deals, said on Thursday that ”good progress” had been made on returning to the 2015 agreement but that the talks would ”break [for] a few days.”

Iran has refused direct talks with the U.S. regarding the nuclear deal, suggesting it will not resume discussions until the U.S. revokes sanctions against the country.

The Biden administration has thus far rejected lifting sanctions on Iran due to the nation’s nuclear development.

”I will say that as they continue to move their program forward, it does imperil the fundamental viability of the JCPOA over time,” Sullivan said.

A few years ago, as President Trump was getting America out of that God-awful “agreement”, Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu said that intelligence showed that Iran lied about never having nuclear weapons and lied again by not coming clean under the terms of the 2015 deal. “The Iran deal … is based on lies,” he said. 

Netanyahu also said the files were moved to a “highly secret” location in Tehran, and contained materials spread over 55,000 pages and 55,000 files on 183 CD’s.

“The nuclear deal gives Iran a clear path to producing an atomic arsenal,” Netanyahu said.

And, these are the people whom Biden is so anxious to get back in bed with?

Back on September 17, 2017, reported that

The Obama administration gave a free pass to Hezbollah’s drug-trafficking and money-laundering operations — some of which were unfolding inside the U.S. — to help ensure the Iran nuclear deal would stay on track, according to a bombshell exposé in Politico Sunday.

An elaborate campaign led by the Drug Enforcement Administration, known as Project Cassandra, reportedly targeted the Lebanese militant group’s criminal activities. But by tossing a string of roadblocks holding back the project, Obama administration officials helped allow the 35-year-old anti-Israel criminal enterprise to evolve into a major global security threat bankrolling terrorist and military operations, the report added.

“This was a policy decision, it was a systematic decision,” David Asher, who helped establish Project Cassandra as a Defense Department illicit finance analyst in 2008, told Politico. “They serially ripped apart this entire effort that was very well supported and resourced, and it was done from the top down.”

The 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, certainly left our Sovereign Nation in a precarious position.

Obama purposely and surreptitiously handed a Rogue State of Radical Muslim Barbarians the means of the destruction of both the United States of America and our staunch ally, Israel, while ignoring the fact that Hezbollah was smuggling drugs into the very Sovereign Nation which he swore to protect from “enemies foreign and domestic”.

What made the Former President of these United States, Barack Hussein Obama, trust Iran, an enemy of freedom, to stand by its “Agreement” to refrain from nuking the United States of America and Israel?

And, why in the name of all that’s holy, did Petulant President Pantywaist consent to allow Hezbollah, a sworn enemy of “The Great Satan” (America), to continue smuggling life-destroying drugs into not only our country but nations around the world?

With no assurances or ways to keep them in check, Obama gave them everything they wanted: their money, nuclear capability, and acquiescence by the Government of the United States of America.

Just look at the way that Iran, the world’s largest State Sponsor of Radical Islamic Terrorism has behaved since Obama’s “Nuclear Agreement”, as reveled by Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

Barack Hussein Obama was a spineless jellyfish as a President. And, as I have repeatedly written, he had clearly risen to his level of incompetence.

The Iranian Deal was his last chance to achieve a “lasting legacy”.

Or, so his ego-driven psyche thought.

The Radical Islamists who run the country of Iran, the Mad Mullahs, knew exactly who Obama was and what he was. They knew that they could get their way with him and they were not afraid of him.

They played Obama for a sucker and they are doing the same thing to his Former Vice-President, who has been installed as President of the United States of America.

God help us.

Until He Comes,





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Kerry Denies That He Gave Iranian Foreign Minister Information About More Than 200 Israeli Operations in Syria

Filkins-Stakes-of-the-Iran-Talks-1200 reports that

U.S. Special Climate Envoy John Kerry on Monday denied allegations that while he was serving as secretary of state under Barack Obama informed the Iranian foreign minister of Israeli operations in Syria.

In a Twitter post, Kerry called the claims – detailed in leaked audio obtained by several media outlets – ‘unequivocally false.’

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif alleged in the audio that Kerry told him that Israel had struck around 200 Iranian targets in Syria.

The Iranian leader admitted he was shocked by the purported admission, as reported by The New York Times.

Republicans were quick to jump on the reports as a betrayal to Israel – a key U.S. ally in the region – with some even calling for Kerry’s resignation from his post in the Biden administration.

As previously reported by Fox News, Kerry has been accused of colluding with Iran to undermine President Donald Trump during his presidency in an effort to ease relations between the U.S. and Iran.

Kerry has said he met with Zarif on at least two occasions during the Trump administration, for which Trump said he should be “prosecuted.”

The thing is, gentle readers, you can bet that John F. Kerry did not think of “reaching out” to the Iranians on his own.

What was conveniently forgotten during the Trump Administration, thanks to the Liberal Mass Freak-Out over the Trump-Russia Collusion Fairy Tale, is the fact that Barack Hussein Obama, the Former Petulant President Pantywaist himself, had set up his Command Headquarters for his “Shadow Government” just a few blocks away from the White House and had even moved his “right-hand Iranian” Valerie Jarrett, into the house with him and “Mooch”.

When this was first reported. during his Nationally Syndicated Radio Talk Show, the late, great Rush Limbaugh stated on his March 2, 2017 Program that,

…The story is Valerie Jarrett moving in to the Obama family home. What the hell’s up with that?

There’s a story here is about how Obama and his people are running the resistance operation from that home, and that’s why she’s moved in. The story here is the Democrat Party being blown out of the water in election after election after election. The story here is Barack Obama’s agenda has been totally reputed by the American people. It has been rejected in 2010. It was rejected in 2012. It was rejected in 2016. It was sent packing. The story here is that Barack Obama is humiliated and angry and embarrassed that his effort to transform the United States of America into some kind of socialist paradise has been interrupted, that he was the architect of the Democrat Party defeat. And that cannot stand for the history books! And so this story is all about the Democrat Party trying to rewrite history and make it look like they actually won were it not for the cheating of the Russians and Trump.

They’re trying to convince the Europeans of this. They’re doing everything they can to delegitimize Trump, his administration, his victory. That is the story that people need to focus on because there’s evidence for that. There is evidence at every town hall protest. There is evidence all over this country every day that this sabotage is going on.

It appears the story that El Rushbo was referring to was 100% correct. defines “sedition” as

: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority
That being said, the intentional interference in the Foreign Policy of the United States of America by Former Secretary of State John F. Kerry though his rogue “negotiations” with the hostile Radical Islamic Rogue Nation of Iran can not be considered to be anything less. According to Federal Law, the punishment for Seditious Conspiracy  is detailed as follows..
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
The Trump Administration and its specified duties regarding the operation of the Government of the United States of America and the oversight of the safety and welfare of its citizens were constantly under attack by both members of a Former Presidential Administration and by members of our own Department of Justice.

It is a wonder that President Trump was able to accomplish as much as he did for our Sovereign Nation.

Until He Comes,



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Democrat Senators, Including Chris Murphy, Had a Secret Meeting Last Week With Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif

Screen-Shot-2018-08-06-at-11.55.23-PM reports that

Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut and other Democratic senators had a secret meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during the Munich Security Conference last week, according to a source briefed by the French delegation to the conference. Murphy’s office did not respond to repeated requests for comment by press time.

Such a meeting would mean Murphy had done the type of secret coordination with foreign leaders to potentially undermine the U.S. government that he accused Trump officials of doing as they prepared for Trump’s administration. In February 2017, Murphy demanded investigations of National Security Advisor Mike Flynn because he had a phone call with his counterpart-to-be in Russia.

“Any effort to undermine our nation’s foreign policy – even during a transition period – may be illegal and must be taken seriously,” Murphy said in 2017 after anonymous leaks of Flynn’s phone call with Russian ambassador Sergey Kisylak were published. He also strongly criticized the open letter some Republican senators sent Iranian leaders during the Obama administration’s campaign for a nuclear agreement.

However, Murphy has previously defended rogue meetings if they’re done by Democrats such as former Secretary of State John Kerry.

“Unless it was authorized by the president or secretary of state, conducting independent foreign policy sends mixed signals to our adversaries,” said Christian Whiton, former State Department senior advisor in the Trump and George W. Bush administrations. “It seems very unpalatable. If we want to talk to Iranians, they know how to reach us and they don’t need to go through an intermediary.”

A State Department official who spoke on background said that the State Department was not aware of any side meetings with Iranian officials that Murphy was engaged in.

The Munich Security Conference, an annual forum on international security policy, welcomes hundreds of world leaders each February. This year’s conference featured robust debate on the United States’ maximum pressure policy against Iran, China’s handling of the coronavirus and technology concerns, and the European alliance with the United States. Other Democrat senators at the conference included Sens. Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Chris Van Hollen of Maryland. Former Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts also attended.

Both Murphy and Zarif spoke publicly during a two-hour session on Middle East policy, with Murphy and Zarif both fiercely criticizing U.S. policy.

President Donald Trump has reoriented American policy in the Middle East away from President Barack Obama’s friendly posture toward Iran. He departed from Obama’s Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, a nuclear arrangement with the Republic of Iran that was not ratified by the United States Senate.

Trump has exerted instead a “maximum pressure” campaign against the regime, with 12 demands on Iran before a new deal is reached. Those demands include a full account of its nuclear program, ending its proliferation of ballistic missiles, releasing all U.S. citizens held on spurious charges, ending support to terrorist groups, withdrawal of forces in Syria, and cessation of its threatening behavior against its neighbors.

The “maximum pressure” campaign of sanctions has devastated the Iranian economy, which is in recession and faces rising inflation. It has made it difficult for Iran to pay foreign fighters engaged in supported terror operations. Iranians have taken to the streets in protest.

Iran recently killed an American contractor in Iraq and the United States killed Iranian general Qassim Suleimani, a top Iranian leader who was responsible for the killing and maiming of thousands of U.S. soldiers. Iran’s retaliatory strike for that killing resulted in no U.S. deaths, but the country did shoot down a Ukrainian passenger plane then lied about it for days.

At the conference, Zarif said official retaliation for the killing of Suleimani had ended, although he suggested independent attacks from others in the country might follow.

Murphy is a frequent speaker at the National Iranian American Council, a lobbying group with alleged links to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Republican Sens. Mike Braun of Indiana, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, and Ted Cruz of Texas recently asked the Department of Justice for potential violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

They wrote that the influential lobbying group “purports to improve understanding between American and Iranian people but in reality seems to spread propaganda and lobby on behalf of the Iranian government.” Evidence indicates that evidence Zarif himself was involved in founding the group.

Back on December 4th of 2017, the New York Times published an op-ed titled “Why The Trump Team Should Fear The Logan Act”. In this preposterous bit of wish-casting is found this gem…

The Logan Act makes it a crime for a United States citizen, “without authority” from the federal government, to communicate with foreign officials in order to “influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government” in a dispute with the United States or “to defeat the measures of the United States.” A conviction can result in a prison sentence of up to three years.

The statute, which has been on the books since the early days of the republic, reflects an important principle. The president is — as the Supreme Court has said time and again — “the sole organ of the nation in its external relations.” If private citizens could hold themselves out as representatives of the United States and work at cross-purposes with the president’s own diplomatic objectives, the president’s ability to conduct foreign relations would be severely hampered.

The thing is, gentle readers, you can bet that neither Senator Chris Murphy nor Former Secretary of State John F. Kerry thought of “reaching out” to the Iranians on his own.

What has been conveniently forgotten, thanks to the continued Liberal Mass Freak-Out over the now-debunked Trump-Russia Collusion Fairy Tale, is the fact that Barack Hussein Obama, the Former Petulant President Pantywaist himself, has set up his Command Headquarters for his “Shadow Government” just a few blocks away from the White House and has even moved his “right-hand Iranian” Valerie Jarrett, into the house with him and “Mooch”.

When this was first reported. during his Nationally Syndicated Radio Talk Show, Rush Limbaugh stated on his March 2, 2017 Program that,

…The story is Valerie Jarrett moving in to the Obama family home. What the hell’s up with that?

There’s a story here is about how Obama and his people are running the resistance operation from that home, and that’s why she’s moved in. The story here is the Democrat Party being blown out of the water in election after election after election. The story here is Barack Obama’s agenda has been totally reputed by the American people. It has been rejected in 2010. It was rejected in 2012. It was rejected in 2016. It was sent packing. The story here is that Barack Obama is humiliated and angry and embarrassed that his effort to transform the United States of America into some kind of socialist paradise has been interrupted, that he was the architect of the Democrat Party defeat. And that cannot stand for the history books! And so this story is all about the Democrat Party trying to rewrite history and make it look like they actually won were it not for the cheating of the Russians and Trump.

They’re trying to convince the Europeans of this. They’re doing everything they can to delegitimize Trump, his administration, his victory. That is the story that people need to focus on because there’s evidence for that. There is evidence at every town hall protest. There is evidence all over this country every day that this sabotage is going on.

It appears the story that El Rushbo was referring to was 100% correct. defines “sedition” as

: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

That being said, the intentional interference in the Foreign Policy of the United States of America by the Democrats, led by Senator Chris Murphy and Former Secretary of State John F. Kerry though their rogue “negotiations” with the hostile Radical Islamic Rogue Nation of Iran can not be considered to be anything less. According to Federal Law, the punishment for Seditious Conspiracy  is detailed as follows..

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

The Trump Administration and its specified duties regarding the operation of the Government of the United States of America and the oversight of the safety and welfare of its citizens are under attack by both members of a Former Presidential Administration, Congressional Democrats, and our own Department of Justice.

I believe that it is time that the laws against interference with President Trump’s Foreign Policy be enforced against those who would sabotage their own country for the sake of their own egos and to preserve a legacy of failure which average Americans did not wish to continue.

Until He Comes,

The Bizarro World of the “Wokesheviks”: House Dems Block Resolution Supporting Iran Pro-Democracy Protestors…


Sounds like a great idea, huh?

Not to the House Democrats. reports that

House Democrats on Tuesday blocked a vote on a resolution introduced by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, California Republican, that expressed support of anti-government protesters in Iran and condemned Iran’s role in the downing of a Ukrainian civilian aircraft last week.

While details behind the blockage remain unclear, Democrats were reportedly drafting their own version of the resolution to compete with Mr. McCarthy’s resolution.

“What a disappointment — Democrats just blocked a vote on a resolution supporting the Iranian protesters,” the GOP leader tweeted.

“This is not the time for partisan politics. This should be a time for the U.S. Congress to speak with one voice to condemn an Iranian regime that kills its own people.”

As tensions between the U.S. and Iran came to a head amid a U.S. fatal strike on top Iranian general last week and Tehran’s response with an attack on two American bases in Iraq, Republicans and Democrats have been sparring over the administration’s justification for military action.

How much do you want to bet the the House Democrats will draft a resolution condemning President Trump for the missile strike against the murderous Iranian General Quassem Soleimani, instead? If you think that sounds farfetched, then you haven’t been paying attention.

Tomorrow, the House Democrats are going to pass a resolution aiming at limiting the power of President Trump, ouor Commander-in Chief, to defend us from our enemies.

it is in response to his taking out Soleimani.

The only problem is, they have no Constitutional authority to do what is in the Resolution.

It is just a bunch of B.S. from the Party of the Wokesheviks.

For a while now, I have been calling the young mindless minions of the Far Left Democratic Party, the “New Bolsheviks, because of their uncanny resemblance to the Bolsheviks, who were the “useful idiots” who overthrew the Czar and placed the Marxist Vladimir Lenin in Power during the Russian Revolution over 100 years ago.

However, that label just does not quite fit the times, so, from now on, I will be referring to them as the “Wokeheviks”.

For years now, I have referred to the intolerant political ideology of Modern American Liberals as “The New Fascism” because of their intolerance toward traditional Americans Faith and Values, including our relationship with our closest ally, since their birth as a country in 1948.

What we are seeing now, as regards the Far Left Democratic Party and its radical movement to the Left of the Political Spectrum, which includes anti-Semitism and which began under Former President Barack Hussein Obama, is a result of an amalgamation of the political philosophies of the special interest groups who have replaced average Americans as the Democrats’ Voting Base.

Anti-Semitism is the norm in Marxism in all of its forms, fascism, and, of course, Islam.

All of these political philosophies are the anti-thesis of whom the Far Left Democrats claim to be.

Ladies and gentlemen, I firmly believe that America is in the middle of fighting a new war against fascism.

It’s not a war that is being fought with guns and bullets, But instead, it is being fought with  an all-out Political War, attacking average Americans and the President whom we elected through the use of a baseless Impeachment, anonymous sources, unproven baseless accusations, and the Vanguard of the Modern Democratic Party, the Main Stream Media.

It’s not our Brightest and Best who are dying on this field of battle, but rather, it is our Constitutional Freedoms and our form of government, including our System of Checks and Balances, which are dying an ignoble death, pierced by the arrows of socialism and political correctness.

A form of government unique to America, a Constitutional Republic, which the clueless Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in a deflective move, identified as “fascistic”.

By now, there’s some out there in the audience saying, “Oh Lord, the crazy old cracker’s overreacting again.”

No, Skippy, I’m not.

If you try to talk to a Liberal about this New Fascism, they will deny that there is any fascism going on at all. In fact, they will tell you that their radicalism “the will of the people” and they will site Democratically stacked push polls in order to back their opinion up.

Liberals can not legitimately defend their positions, such as the suppression of the Second Amendment Rights of average Americans, the Silent Coup began by those members of the DOJ and FBI during the Obama Administration against now-President Trump, the “Caining” of Judge Kavanaugh, and now, the taking over of the Democratic Party by a bunch of wild-eyed anti-American radicals resulting in the Impeachment of a President for political expediency.

Fascism, in any form, remains indefensible.

All of this political unethical behavior by the Far Left Democrats is reminiscent of both the Russian Revolution and Hitler and his Brown Shirts’ “Beer Hall Putsch” which probably should have been expected, given the “Wokesheviks” track record of Liberal Intolerance and aversion to opposing viewpoints.

And now, the unashamed defense of an Iranian murderer and the world’s leading State Sponsor of Radical Islamic Terrorism.

Ronald Reagan, during an interview with Mike Wallace on 12/14/75, quipped…

“You know, someone very profoundly once said many years ago that if fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism.”

The man was a prophet.

Until He Comes,



Kerry, When Asked on “Face The Nation” About Releasing $150,000,000 to Iran, Attacks Trump Instead…They Should Have Asked His Boss


Former President Barack Hussein Obama once said in a New York times article posted March 3, 2007:

“I was a little Jakarta street kid,” he said in a wide-ranging interview in his office. He once got in trouble for making faces during Koran study classes in his elementary school, but a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics — and more likely to be aware of their nationalism — if he once studied the Koran with them.

Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it’ll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”

Store this in your memory for later access. reports that

Former Secretary of State John Kerry faced a question about his role in releasing billions of dollars to Iran during the Obama administration and responded by first attacking President Trump’s criticism of the move.

President Trump has claimed that Iran’s recent aggression against the U.S. in Iraq was funded by $150 billion that the Obama administration gave to Iran. Kerry has insisted that was false, although in the past he recognized that at least some of the money – which was frozen due to sanctions and held in banks around the world before being released at roughly the same time the Iran nuclear deal was made – would end up in the hands of terrorists.

“I think that some of it will end up in the hands of the IRGC or other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists,” Kerry told CNBC in 2016. When asked by Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation” why he believed this was a worthwhile risk when releasing the money, Kerry attacked the president rather than answer the question.

“You know that the president’s tweet is a lie,” Kerry told host Margaret Brennan. “And the president tweeted this morning, because I am coming on the show and he knew you’d ask me the question or he’d push you in a place where you did ask the question. You and the media, I think, need to call a lie a lie.”

Brennan immediately reminded him that she asked the same question in 2015.

Kerry continued, saying that what he meant was that “clearly some money from the budget of Iran is going to go to the IRGC.” He then said that, contrary to what President Trump claims ”his own defense intelligence agency in 2017 testified to the Congress that very, very little money actually went to the IRGC at all.”

Kerry did not explain his rationale for releasing the money at the time, before he knew where the funds would end up.

Gentle readers, this should not come as a surprise to any of us.

Former Secretary of State Kerry was simply following orders.

And, this was Petulant President Pantywaist’s modus operandi. reported that

The Obama administration approved a $200,000 grant to a group in Sudan with ties to Al Qaeda even though it had been designated a terrorist-financing organization by the U.S. years earlier, a conservative think tank revealed this week.

Further, an agency official acknowledged the prior administration allowed taxpayer money to flow to the group even after its designation was discovered.

The 2014 grant to the Islamic Relief Agency, through the U.S. Agency for International Development, was revealed by Sam Westrop of the Middle East Forum in a story for the National Review.

“More stunningly, government officials specifically authorized the release of at least $115,000 of this grant even after learning that it was a designated terror organization,” Westrop wrote in the article.

In December of 2017, reported that

The Obama administration gave a free pass to Hezbollah’s drug-trafficking and money-laundering operations — some of which were unfolding inside the U.S. — to help ensure the Iran nuclear deal would stay on track, according to a bombshell exposé in Politico Sunday.

An elaborate campaign led by the Drug Enforcement Administration, known as Project Cassandra, reportedly targeted the Lebanese militant group’s criminal activities. But by tossing a string of roadblocks holding back the project, Obama administration officials helped allow the 35-year-old anti-Israel criminal enterprise to evolve into a major global security threat bankrolling terrorist and military operations, the report added.

Why would Obama willingly cooperate with Radial Islamic Terrorist Organizations whose goal was to destroy us?

Do you remember during the 2016 Presidential Campaign, when Obama got a little testy about Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump identifying those of a certain “religion” who commit violence in the name of that “faith” by a certain phrase?


Speaking from the White House during what was expected to be an update for the public on the fight against the Islamic State, Obama lit into his critics and specifically presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. Their criticism has mounted in the wake of the Orlando terror attack, which Obama declined to publicly link to radical Islam.

“Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away. … There’s no magic to the phrase of radical Islam,” Obama countered Tuesday. “It’s a political talking point.”

Uh huh.

But, why was Obama so dead set against identifying Radical Islamic Terrorists as Radical Islamic Terrorists?

On October 2. 2008, Rick Moran wrote the following in an article for…

Just how much in donations from foreign countries is pouring into the Obama campaign coffers is a question one FEC auditor would like to have answered. The problem is that evidently, his bosses at the FEC are refusing to move on the charges which would almost certainly require them to ask the Justice Department and the FBI to look into the matter. This would, their reasoning goes, take on the appearance of a “criminal investigation” and would impact the coming election.

The anonymous investigator (who won’t reveal his name for fear of retribution) says that “I can’t get anyone to move. I believe we are looking at a hijacking of our political system that makes the Clinton and Gore fundraising scandals pale in comparison. And no one here wants to touch it.”

The American Spectator’s Washington Prowler wrote at the time that:

The analyst, who declines to be identified for fear of retribution, says that on four different occasions in the past three months, he sought to open formal investigations into the Obama campaign’s fundraising techniques, but those investigations have been discouraged. “Without formal approval, I can’t get the resources I need, manpower, that kind of thing. This is a huge undertaking.” And the analyst says that he believes that campaign finance violations have occurred.

The Obama campaign has already had to deal with several FEC complaints about fraudulent donors and illegal foreign contributions, and the FEC says it has no record that those complaints have been resolved or closed. As well, the Obama campaign has been cagey at times about the means by which it has made its historic fundraising hauls, which now total almost $500 million for the election cycle.

No one ever found out where all of Obama’s Foreign Contributions to his first Presidential Campaign came from.

With the origins of those contributions still being unknown, what I am going to suggest next is just a theory, a conjecture on my part.

As he demonstrated by speaking to the Muslim World at the University of Cairo the summer after his Inauguration, Obama had a great reverence and affection toward “The Religion of Peace”.

His refusal to associate them with the evil carnage wrought by Radical Islamic Terrorism certainly demonstrated that.

What if all of his inexplicable actions toward those known to be involved in Radical Islamic Terrorist Activities were not only because of his deep love and reverence toward the “faith” that they shared and an assumption on his part that he could “get through” to them but those actions were also caused by a debt he owed that he could never repay?

It would also explain why he thought that the idiotic idea of giving Iran all of that money would somehow persuade them to uphold their part of his “gentleman’s agreement” with them, otherwise known as the “nuclear deal”.

Former President Barack Hussein Obama could not have been more wrong.


Until He Comes,