Conservatism Rules! My 800th Blog

Today, I am writing my 800th blog.  It seems like just the other day that my good friend, Col. Manly Rash, Gene Hoyas, now known as the Bulldog Pundit (, was asking me to contribute my thoughts to his website.  Thank you, Gene, for all of your advice and unflinching support.

I began my own blog in April of 2010.  Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to share my thoughts with 113, 504 readers, and have been quoted on such websites as Texas Conservatives for Palin, OpenCongress,The Top Ten Conservatives to Follow on Twitter, and, of course,

So, my Conservative friends…are we making a difference?

You betcha!

Mark Halperin is singing a Democratic Dirge on

With five months until Election Day, Barack Obama faces a grim new reality: Republicans now believe Mitt Romney can win, and Democrats believe Obama can lose … Last week’s anemic job-creation and economic-growth data was sandwiched between two Bill Clinton specials: in one television interview, the 42nd President lauded Romney’s business record as “sterling”; in another, he veered from the Obama line on the extension of Bush-era tax cuts … The failure to unseat Wisconsin’s Republican governor Scott Walker in a recall election was another bad sign for Democrats since it will rev up conservatives nationwide, including the kind of millionaires who gave big bucks to Walker’s effort … Veteran Democratic strategists from previous presidential bids and on Capitol Hill now wonder if the Obama re-election crew is working with the right message … The White House remains on a rough political trajectory, with a potentially adverse Supreme Court decision on the Obama health care law looming, additional bad economic news from Europe coming and more worrisome polling pending … Another danger for the President: the media freak show. Stalking that circus’ center ring is Matt Drudge, whose caustic website continues to help drive the news cycle with an emphasis on negative, mocking items about Obama and Vice President Joe Biden and their wives. The latest sign of Drudge’s potency: Ed Klein, the author of the virulently anti-Obama book The Amateur, was barred from major TV appearances and mostly ignored by the mainstream media, but the book’s prominence on Drudge’s website propelled it to the No. 1 slot on the New York Times nonfiction list.

Cry me a river, Mark.  You guys have been supporting a socialist, anti-American, pompous jackwagon and a poor excuse for a president since the Great Pretender somehow got his amaciated hindquarters elected to the most important job in the Free World.

Well, about now, some of you “Fiscal Conservatives”, up in the Northeastern Corridor, otherwise known as Liberals, are saying:

Wait a second, you Mississippi Hick!  You can’t call Obama a SOCIALIST!  He’s just a “good guy who’s in over his head”.

Yeah, right.  And I’m a 22 year old, blonde Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader named Buffy.

Stanley Kurtz writes on that

On the evening of January 11, 1996, while Mitt Romney was in the final years of his run as the head of Bain Capital, Barack Obama formally joined the New Party, which was deeply hostile to the mainstream of the Democratic party and even to American capitalism. In 2008, candidate Obama deceived the American public about his potentially damaging tie to this third party. The issue remains as fresh as today’s headlines, as Romney argues that Obama is trying to move the United States toward European-style social democracy, which was precisely the New Party’s goal.

In late October 2008, when I wrote here at National Review Online that Obama had been a member of the New Party, his campaign sharply denied it, calling my claim a “crackpot smear.” Fight the Smears, an official Obama-campaign website, staunchly maintained that “Barack has been a member of only one political party, the Democratic Party.” I rebutted this, but the debate was never taken up by the mainstream press.

Recently obtained evidence from the updated records of Illinois ACORN at the Wisconsin Historical Society now definitively establishes that Obama was a member of the New Party. He also signed a “contract” promising to publicly support and associate himself with the New Party while in office.

Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:

Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party.

Consistent with this, a roster of the Chicago chapter of the New Party from early 1997 lists Obama as a member, with January 11, 1996, indicated as the date he joined.

So…where was the Main Stream Media, back in 2008, when this Marxist was running for president?

Why, they were proclaiming him as their messiah.  He was going to make the oceans rise and fall with the wave of his majestic hand.

Sho’ ’nuff, he’s made a lot of things fall in this nation:

the number of Americans that have a job, our financial rating, our international prestige, our world academic standing, and the inherent class and decorum of the office of the American President.

On the other hand, he did make one thing rise:  Americans’ blood pressure.

Fear not.  Better days are ahead.  

The past is a memory.  The future is a promise.  Today is a gift.  That’s why it is called the present.

Thank you for putting up with me. God Bless You All!

8 thoughts on “Conservatism Rules! My 800th Blog

  1. backwoods conservative

    Congratulations on the milestone, KJ!

    Another thing Obama has made rise is prices, particularly gas prices. His fiscal policies were guaranteed to be inflationary, and his war on our most useful forms of energy have also done harm. And yet there are those who still believe he’s a champion of the poor.


  2. Gohawgs

    Congrats on the 800 posts…

    Now, let’s all pray for the obamanation and the end to our suffering —

    Psalm 109:8 ~ “Let his days be few and brief; and let others step forward to replace him.”


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